| Various Artists Catholicism in Music & Song Genres: International Music, Pop, Christian & Gospel
Track Listings (18) - Disc #1- Peal of Five Bells
- The Salve Regina from C?teaux - Monks Of C?teaux Ab
- Schubho-Llaw Qolo
- Pero Cantigas de Loor [La Capella Reial de Catalunya- Hesp?rion XX]
- H?c Dies [Double Organum of the Notre-Dame de Paris School] - Vocis, Mora
- Salve Regina - Desprez, Josquin
- Surge , Amica Mea - Pierluigi Da Palest
- Deus in Adjutorium [Excerpt from Vespro Della Beata Vergine] - Monteverdi, Claudio
- Nisi Dominus [Excerpt from the Vespers for the Nativity of the V] - Vivaldi, Antonio
- Messe ? l'Usage Ordinaire des Paroisses - Couperin, Francois
- Beatitudes [Excerpts from the Oratorio Les Martyrs de l'Ougand]
- Venez, Divin Messie (Come Heavenly Messiah)
- Pater Noster [Corsican Tradition] - Three Singers From
- Jes?s Es Condenado [Excerpt from the St. John Passion] - Parra, Angel
- Par la Main - Duval, Aim?
- Ubi Caritas Deus Ibi Est - Gelineau, Joseph
- Kyrie [Excerpt from the Missa Gallica] - Lallement, Bernard
- Choral de la Sainte Montagne [Excerpt from la Transfiguration de Notre] - Messiaen, Oliver1