| Friedell, Campbell, Choir St Stephen's Church In the Spirit's Tether Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (21) - Disc #1- Psalm 25, anthem
- Prelude on St. Columba, for organ
- Modal Communion Service: Kyrie
- Modal Communion Service: Gloria
- Modal Communion Service: Gloria tibi
- Modal Communion Service: Sursum Corda and Sanctus-Benedictus
- Modal Communion Service: Agnus Dei
- Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether, anthem for chorus
- Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Day by Day
- Eight Orisons, choral prayers: I have but myself to give
- Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Let thy merciful ears
- Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Save us, O Lord
- Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Saw you never in the twilight
- Psalm 121, for soprano & organ
- The Way to Jerusalem, anthem
- Lullaby, for organ
- Thou Son of God on Christmas Day, for chorus (from 'The Feast of the Star', Epiphany pageant)
- The shepherds had an angel, hymn
- Sweet little Jesu, Christmas anthem
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major
- Elegy for harp, violin & organ, postlude