| Robert Schumann, Hugo [Composer] Wolf, Michael Gees Schumann, Wolf: Eichendorff-Lieder Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (28) - Disc #1- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: In der Fremde
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Intermezzo
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Waldesgespr?ch
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Die Stille
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Mondnacht
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Sch?ne Fremde
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Auf einer Burg
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: In der Fremde
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Wehmut
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Zwielicht
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Im Walde
- Liederkreis, 12 songs for voice & piano, Op. 39: Fr?hlingsnacht
- Nachruf ('Du liebe, treue Leute'), song for voice & piano
- In der Fremde I ('Da fahr ich still im Wagen'), song for voice & piano
- In der Fremde II ('Ich geh durch die dunklen Gassen'), song for voice & piano
- In der Fremde VI ('Wolken w?lderw?rts gegangen'), song for voice & piano
- R?ckkehr ('Mit meine Saitenspiele'), song for voice & piano
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Die Nacht
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Der Freund
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Der Musikant
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Verschwiegene Liebe
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Das St?ndchen
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Der Soldat II
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Heimweh
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Seemanns Abscheid
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Der Scholar
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Liebesgl?
- Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff (20) for voice & piano: Nachtzauber
Christoph Prégardien's Hänssler Classic solo Lied CD debut! Along with Goethe, Heine, and Geibel, Eichendorff is one of those German poets whose works have most often been set to music. Some became ... more »so widespread that they were considered to be anonymous folk songs and their true author was forgotten. This new recording from master interpreter of the Lied Christoph Prégardien includes the songs of two composers who perceptively revealed the hidden music inside of Eichendorff's verse. From Schumann's compendium of Romanticism, the Liederkreis, Op. 39, to the earthy, naturalistic settings by Wolf, this is a program of the German Lied that no collector will want to miss. « less