| Franz [Vienna] Schubert, Kenneth Slowik, John Elwes Schubert: Die schöne Mullerin Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Das Wandern (Wandering)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Wohin? (Where to?)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Halt! (Stop!)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Danksagung an den Bach (Song of thanks to the brook)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Am Feierabend (When the day's work is done)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Der Neugierige (The inquisitive one)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Ungeduld (Impatience)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Morgengruß (Morning greeting)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Des Müllers Blumen (The miller's flowers)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Tränenregen (Shower of tears)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Mein! (Mine!)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Pause
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Mit dem grünen Lautenbande (With the green lute ribbon)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Der Jäger (The hunter)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Eifersucht und Stolz (Jealousy and pride)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Die liebe Farbe (The beloved color)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Die böse Farbe (The evil color)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Trock'ne Blumen (Withered Flowers)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Der Müller und der Bach (The miller and the brook)
- Die schöne Müllerin, song cycle, for voice & piano, D. 795 (Op. 25): Des Baches Wiegenlied (The brook's lullaby)