| Russian Traditional, Orchestre russe de balalaïkas, Gesine Tiefuhr-Diesselhorst Russische Gesänge / Russian Melodies Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Ach, ty dolja, moja dolja ... dolja gorkogo dolja (Alas, Fate! O Bitter Fate!), folk song
- Toska pecal, nadezdy usli (Grief, Affliction, All Hope Gone), folk song
- A skorb, uiti, pecal umci skoree (O Pain, Pass Away, Soon the Sadness Will Be Gone), folk song
- Solovyom zalyotnym (The Nightingale), folk song (a.k.a. 'Solovei')
- Oh, Nastasia!, folk song
- Ne veljat Mase za rek - za recenku chodit' (They Don't Let Masha Go Down by the Brook), folk song (a.k.a. 'Mashenka')
- Ja gruscu, esli mozes ponjat' moju dusu (I Am Grieved that Thou Canst Not See into My Heart), folk song
- Dve gitary za stenoj (Two Guitars Are Sadly Playing), folk song
- Ne tron' menja, ved' mogu vosplamenitca (Do Not Touch Me, Lest I Turn to Flame), folk song
- Kak zavyvaet veter v trube (How the Wind Howls in the Chimney), folk song
- Gde sneg u Kazbeka naveki usnul (Where the Eternal Snow Lies on the Kazbek), folk song
- Pust' gitary zvucit neustannaja (Come, My Guitar, Play On), folk song