Mills Brothers Mills Brothers Genres: Jazz , Pop , Classic Rock , Broadway & Vocalists Track Listings (22) - Disc #1 Swing Is the Thing - The Mills Brothers, Bloom, Rube Stardust - The Mills Brothers, Carmichael, Hoagy Shoe-Shine Boy - The Mills Brothers, Cahn, Sammy Nagasaki - The Mills Brothers, Dixon, Mort Flat Foot Floogie - The Mills Brothers, Gaillard, Slim The Window Washing Man - The Mills Brothers, Barry, Marion How Did She Look? - The Mills Brothers, Shelley, Gladys Boog It - The Mills Brothers, Calloway, Cab When You Were Sweet Sixteen - The Mills Brothers, Thornton, James You Rascal You - The Mills Brothers, Theard, Sam It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) - The Mills Brothers, Ellington, Duke Caravan - The Mills Brothers, Ellington, Duke Georgia - The Mills Brothers, Carmichael, Hoagy Jeepers Creepers - The Mills Brothers, Mercer, Johnny Organ Grinder's Swing - The Mills Brothers, Hudson, Will Lazy Bones - The Mills Brothers, Carmichael, Hoagy F.D.R. Jones - The Mills Brothers, Rome, Harold My Gal Sal - The Mills Brothers, Dresser, Paul Sleepy Time Gal - The Mills Brothers, Alden, Joseph Reed Shine - The Mills Brothers, Brown, Lew Smoke Rings - The Mills Brothers, Gifford, Gene London Rhythm - The Mills Brothers, Williams