| Peter Heise, Peter Erasmus Lange-Muller, Mette Christina Østergaard Mermaid Songs Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Havfruens sange (Mermaid Songs), songs for voice & piano from De Underjordiske (The Changeling)
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Gudruns sorg (Gudrun's Sorrow), for voice & piano
- Songs (5) from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 1, 'Shulamite's Song in the Wine Garden' Op. 1/1
- Songs (5) from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 2, 'Shulamite's Song in the Grove of the Wood-Pigeons' Op. 1/2
- Songs (5) from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 3, 'Solomon's Song with the Homing Pigeon' Op. 1/3
- Songs (2) for voice & piano from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 1, 'Shulamite's Song in the Queen's Garden' Op. 6/1
- Songs (2) for voice & piano from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 2, 'Shulamite's Song in the Bridal Doorway' Op. 6/2
- Songs (5) from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 4, 'Shulamite's Song at the Top of the Mountain' Op. 1/4
- Songs (5) from Ingemann's 'Sulamith og Salomon', No. 5, 'Shulamite's Song on the Mountain' Op. 1/5
- Otte Folkeviser Oversatte Af Thor Lange, for voice & piano, Op. 34: No. 7, Højt op i fjældet og dybt ned i dal
- Seks Folkeviser Oversatta Af Thor Lange, for voice & piano, Op. 18: No. 6, Piletræet bøjer sig
- Seks Sange Efter Det Russiske Ved Thor Lange, for voice & piano, Op. 11: No. 3, Hvorfor hælder piletæet?
- Seks Folkeviser Oversatta Af Thor Lange, for voice & piano, Op. 18: No. 3, Lille røde rønnebær
- Letizia, songs from the play, Op. 48: No. 5, Yderst i slæbet, det letted
- Når sol går ned: Stemninger fra Rusland (At Sundown: Russian Moods), for voice & piano, Op. 19: No. 1, Himlen ulmer svagt i flammerød