| Mats Nilsson Music By Monteverdi/Alfven/Pou Genres: Folk, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- Psaltare och lyra
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 1, 'Incenerit
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 2, 'Ditelo, o
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 3, 'Dara la n
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 4, 'Ma te rac
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 5, 'O chiome
- Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111: No. 6, 'Dunque am
- Sonnet 292
- Sanctus, for chorus
- Jesu dulcis memoria, for chorus
- Laudamus te
- Mate suale, for chorus (Mother sun)
- Auringon noustessa, for chorus (At sunrise), Op. 11/2
- Som stj?rnorna p? himmelen (Like the stars in the sky), for chorus
- Som stj?rnorna p? himmelen (Like the stars in the sky), for chorus
- Vesleblomme, for chorus (Little flower)
- Kv?llen stundar (Evening is nigh)
- Aftonen for male voices & instruments (Evening), R187
- La blanche Neige, for mixed chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/1
- A peine d?figur?e, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/2
- Par une nuit nouvelle, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/3
- Tous les droits, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/4
- Belle et ressemblante, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/5
- Marie, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/6
- Luire, for chorus (7 chansons), FP 81/7