| Sharon Isbin, Valente, Allen Love Songs & Lullabies Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Classical
Track Listings (24) - Disc #1- Porro - Sharon Isbin, Montaña, Gentil
- Estrela É Lua Nova - Sharon Isbin, Villa-Lobos, Heitor
- Canta Mais - Sharon Isbin, Jobim, Antonio Carl
- Wiegenlied - Sharon Isbin, Brahms, Johannes
- El Café de Chinitas - Sharon Isbin, Lorca, Frederico Ga
- Nana de Sevillanas - Sharon Isbin, Lorca, Frederico Ga
- Sevillanas - Sharon Isbin,
- The Salley Gardens - Sharon Isbin, Lorca, Frederico Ga
- I Will Give My Love an Apple - Sharon Isbin, Dorset
- Sailor Boy - Sharon Isbin, Britten
- I Wonder as I Wander - Sharon Isbin,
- Go' Way from My Window - Sharon Isbin, Niles, John Jacob
- I Dream of Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair - Sharon Isbin, Foster, Stephen [1]
- Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes - Sharon Isbin, Johnson, Ben [Playw
- Wiegenlied [Lullaby, Opus 98, No. 2] - Sharon Isbin, Claudius
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen (Raisins With Almonds) - Sharon Isbin, Goldfaden, Abraham
- Manhã de Carnaval (Morning of Carnival) - Sharon Isbin, Bonfa, Luiz
- Cunhã-Tan Do Andirá (Little Girl from the Andira River) - Sharon Isbin, Guadencio
- Varando Furos (Cutting Waters) - Sharon Isbin, Guadencio
- Canción Al Árbol del Olvido [Song of the Tree of Forgetfulness] - Sharon Isbin, Ginastera, Alberto
- Le Rossignol (The Nightingale) - Sharon Isbin, Seiber, Matyas
- Marguerite, Elle Est Malade [Marguerite Is Sick] - Sharon Isbin, Seiber, Matyas
- Plaisir d'Amour (Pleasures of Love) - Sharon Isbin, Martini, Giovanni B
- Adiós (Farewell) - Sharon Isbin, Madriguera, Enric