| Kurt Weill, William Steffe, John [04] Stafford Smith Kurt Weill: From Berlin to Broadway, Vol. 2 Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- Die Muschel von Margate (Pet [From Konjunktur]
- Moritat von Mackie M [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Kanonensong [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Die Seeräuber-Jenny [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Barbara-Song [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Moritat and Choral [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Tango-Ballade und Ka [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Jomfru Dilemma (Barb [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Complainte de Mackie [From Die ...]
- Chants des canons (K [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- La Fiançée du Pirate [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- La Fiançée du Pirate [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Chant de Barbara (Ba [From Die Dreigroschenoper]
- Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the City of Mah
- Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the City of Mah
- Der Song von Mandalay [From Happy End]
- Matronensong [From Happy End]
- Surabaya-Johnny [From Happy End]
- September Song [From Knickerbocker Holiday]
- Introduction... A History of New Yo
- It Never Was You
- One Touch of Alchemy... All Hail Th
Track Listings (21) - Disc #2- Act 2. Introduction... There's Nowh [From ...]
- Marching Song: To War! [From Knickerbocker Holiday]
- The Scars [From Knickerbocker Holiday]
- Act 2. Finale: September Song (Repr
- September Song [From Knickerbocker Holiday]
- Lost in the Stars [From Ulysses Africanus]
- Jenny [From Lady in the Dark]
- The Princess of Pure Delight [From Lady in the Dark]
- My Ship [From Lady in the Dark]
- One Life To Live [From Lady in the Dark]
- The Saga of Jenny [From Lady in the Dark]
- The Battle Hymn of the Republic ("Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory," words by
- The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem, USA), for orchestra & voice/chor
- America the Beautiful (original title "Materna") [From Mine Eyes Have S
- Beat! Beat! Drums!, song for voice & piano (or orchestra) (Walt Whitman
- Very, Very, Very [From One Touch of Venus]
- Wooden Wedding [From One Touch of Venus]
- That's Him [From One Touch of Venus]
- Speak Low [From One Touch of Venus]
- Jersey Plunk [From One Touch of Venus]
- The Trouble With Women [From One Touch of Venus]