| Jeune Orchestre Symphonique de Douai Music of Films and Scene Genres: Pop, Soundtracks, Classical
Track Listings (28) - Disc #1- Un Revenant, film score for orchestra, H. 188 (collaboration with Arthur Ho?r?e): I.
- Un Revenant, film score for orchestra, H. 188 (collaboration with Arthur Ho?r?e): II.
- Un Revenant, film score for orchestra, H. 188 (collaboration with Arthur Ho?r?e): III. - IV.
- Un Revenant, film score for orchestra, H. 188 (collaboration with Arthur Ho?r?e): V.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: I. - II.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: III.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: IV.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: Debut 2?me Partie: V. - VI. - VII.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: Debut 2?me Partie: VIII. - IX.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: Entree Messager. Entree Tete D'or. Mort De C?b?s.
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: Final 2?me Partie
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: 3?me Partie
- T?te d'Or, incidental music for radio play, H. 199: Crucifixion
- Regain, film score for orchestra, H. 117: I: le Panturle
- Regain, film score for orchestra, H117: II: Hiver
- Regain, film score for orchestra, H117: III: Printemps
- Regain, film score for orchestra, H117: IV: G?demus le Remouleur
- Regain, film score for orchestra, H117: V: Regain
- La R?demption de Fran?ois Villon, radio music for 2 male voices & orchestra, H. 209: I: Niege
- La R?demption de Fran?ois Villon, radio music for 2 male voices & orchestra, H209: II: Pluie et Vent
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: I: Calme
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: II: la Romance de Violine
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: III: Danse des Enfants
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: IV: Interlude et Final
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: V: Chaconne de L'Imperatrice
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: VI: Napol?on
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: VII: les Ombres
- Napol?on, film score suite for orchestra, H. 64: VIII: les Mendiants de la Gloire