| If Music Be the Food of Love If Music Be the Food of Love Genres: International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (26) - Disc #1- My bonny lasse she smyleth, madrigal for 5 voices
- There Is a Ladie, Sweet and Kind for 4 voices & instruments
- Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Where'er You Walk
- Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone
- Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day
- The Primrose
- Le gel, par jeu, for flute, clarinett, horn, bass marimba, violin & cello
- Caledonian Canal
- Non ? di gentil core chi non arde, madrigal for 2 sopranos (from Book 7), SV 118: Non E'di Gentil Core
- Viver Lieto Voglio
- Light doesn't have arms to carry us, for amplified piano
- Zefiro Torna, madrigal for 2 tenors and continuo (from Book 9 & Scherzi musicali), SV 251: Zefiro Torna
- When I am laid in earth (from 'Dido and Aeneas'), soprano aria (Dido's Lament), Z. 626/38b
- The silver swanne, madrigal for 5 voices
- If music be the food of love, song, Z. 379 (3 settings)
- Orlando furioso, opera in 3 acts, RV 728: Sol Da Te Mio Dolce Amore
- Toreneo amoroso
- Come Away, Sweet Love
- Chiome d'oro, bel thesoro, madrigal for 2 sopranos, 2 violins and lute/harpsichord (from Book 7), SV 143: Chiome D'oro
- Vezzosi augelli, W viii, 11
- It was a lover and his lass, song for voice with lute & bass viol
- Acis and Galatea, oratorio, HWV 49: O Ruddier Than the Cherry
- Jephtha, oratorio, HWV 70: Waft Her, Angels, Through the Skies
- Greensleeves, folk song
- L'Ultimo Di Maggio
- Adieu, sweet Amaryllis, madrigal (No. 12, The First Set of English Madrigals)