| African Traditional, Hungarian Traditional, Antal Pál Hungarian Musical Mother Tongue Genres: International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (38) - Disc #1- S?r a szemem, hull az k?nyvem (My eyes weep, I shed tears), folk song
- Haragusznak a j? gazd?k (The good farmers are angry), folk song
- Szilv?s faluj?ba Vidr?czki a nevem (My name is Vidr?czi from the villag
- Nagy udvara van a holdnak (There is a large circle round the moon), fol
- N?pdal hossz? furuly?n (Folksong on a long flute), folk song
- Nem v?tettem semmit haz?m faluj?nak (I have done no harm to my village)
- Olyan feles?gem vagyon (My wife is of the sort), folk song
- R?sz?llott a p?va megheh?z fal?ra (The peacock has flown onto the wall
- Lesz?llott a p?va v?rmegye k?tj?ra (The peacock has settled on the coun
- Lovam haj?t lefel? f?jja a sz?l (The wind blows back my horse's mane),
- ?des j? Istenem, ind?tsd meg ?rvizet (Good Lord, let the flood free), f
- Egy kicsi mad?rka... (A small bird), folk song
- Egy kicsi mad?rka... (A small bird), folk song
- R?p?lj p?va, r?p?lj (Fly peacock, fly!), folk song
- Dance melody (Ethiopian), folk song
- Kisz?radt a t?b?l (The lake has dried up)
- Lehullott a J?zus v?re (Jesus' blood has been shed), folk song
- Jaj, lelkem, lelkem j? t?rsam (Woe, my dear, my dearest good companion
- Amhara epikus ?nek (Amharic epic song, Ethiopian)
- Siralmas volt n?kem vil?gra sz?letnem (It is lamentable that I was born
- T?k, l?d m?ja (Chicken and goose liver), folk song
- L?ra, csik?s, l?ra (Mount the horse, horse-herder), folk song
- Beli buba, a bocsobe (Sleep baby in the cradle), lullaby
- Csordap?sztorok (When shepherds are tending), folk song
- Ne hagyj elesnem (Do not let me fall), folk song
- Ne aludj el, k?t szememnek vil?ga (Do not drop asleep, my eyes), folk s
- Felnyott az ?t mellett k?t sz?l major?nna (Two pieces of marjoram have
- V?gj?k az erdei utat (The forest road is being cleared), folk song
- Rongyot, asszonyok! (Rags, women!) (song of a rag-collecting trader), f
- Magyar asszonyok, magyar any?k! (Hungarian women, Hungarian mothers!) (
- Hejde, betett n?kem a gyulai v?s?r (The market of Gyula has done me dir
- Az ?rv?k istene azt el nem n?zheti (The God of the orphans cannot not l
- Felj?tt a f?nyes hold az ?g k?zep?re (The bright moon has risen high in
- Ennek a gazd?nak sz?p kocsija van (This farmer has a nice cart), folk s
- Ha a dunna sz?lni tudna (If the eiderdown could speak), folk song
- Dudan?ta, bagpipe song
- Magyar verbunk (Hungarian "Verbunk")
- Fordul?s (Turning dance)