| Flautando Koln Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern. Musik Zur Weih Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (34) - Disc #1- Sei willkommen, Herre Christ (a.k.a. Sys willekomen Heirre Kerst)
- Veni redemptor gentium (from Hymnnodia Sionia): No. 1-4
- Veni redemptor gentium (from Hymnnodia Sionia): No. 3-5
- Veni redemptor gentium (from Hymnnodia Sionia): No. 4-4 (Pro Organico)
- Veni redemptor gentium (from Hymnnodia Sionia): No. 2-3
- Veni redemptor gentium (from Hymnnodia Sionia): No. 1-4 da capo
- Veni redemptor gentium, hymn: Choralis in Cantu
- Veni redemptor gentium, hymn: Choralis in Basso
- Terpsichore Dances: CLXXXIII. Courante
- Terpsichore Dances: Bransle simple: Les Gavottes 1. 2. 3. 6.
- Terpsichore Dances: CLXXXIII. . Ballet
- Terpsichore Dances: XXXIII. La Bouree 1. 2.
- Terpsichore Dances: XXVIII. 3. Spagnoletta
- Terpsichore Dances: CCI. Volte
- Es kommt ein Schiff geladen, carol (German)
- Chacony, for 4 strings in G minor, Z. 730
- Work(s): Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder
- Fantasy No. 32 ŕ 5 on 'Une jeune fillette'
- Fantasy 31 a 4
- South Bohemian Folk Songs (4), for chorus ('Journey to Tabor'): Z nebe jsi prisel
- South Bohemian Folk Songs (4), for chorus ('Journey to Tabor'): Já bych rád k Betlému
- South Bohemian Folk Songs (4), for chorus ('Journey to Tabor'): Pásli ovce Valasi
- South Bohemian Folk Songs (4), for chorus ('Journey to Tabor'): Narodil se Kristus Pán
- Maria durch ein Dornwald ging, carol (Blest Mary Wanders through the Thorn)
- Canite tuba in Sion, for 4 voices
- Chamber Concerto, for flute or violin, violin, bassoon or cello & continuo in G minor, RV 106: Allegro
- Chamber Concerto, for flute or violin, violin, bassoon or cello & continuo in G minor, RV 106: Largo
- Chamber Concerto, for flute or violin, violin, bassoon or cello & continuo in G minor, RV 106: Allegro
- Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, chorale prelude for organ (Schübler Chorale No. 6), BWV 650 (BC K27)
- Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier, for voice & continuo (Schemelli Gesangbuch No. 195), BWV469
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star) (from the Polyhymnia caduceatrix): Erster Theil
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star) (from the Polyhymnia caduceatrix): Ander Thiel
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star) (from the Polyhymnia caduceatrix): Dritter Theil
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Brightly Shines the Morning Star) (from the Polyhymnia caduceatrix): Vierdter Theil