| Lee Hoiby, Robert Baksa, Arthur Farwell Emily Dickinson Songs Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (28) - Disc #1- A Letter, for voice & piano
- There Came a Wind Like a Bugle, for voice & piano
- Much madness is divinest sense, for voice & piano
- I'm Nobody, for voice & piano
- The morns are meeker, for voice & piano
- This is my letter to the world, for voice & piano
- Two butterflies went out at noon, for voice & piano
- The soul selects her own society, for voice & piano
- The Sabbath, for voice & piano
- These Saw Vision, for voice & piano
- Bee! I'm expecting you, for voice & piano
- Nobody knows this little Rose, for voice & piano
- Heart! We will forget him!, for voice & piano
- Three Songs after Emily Dickinson, for soprano & cello: I Heard a fly buzz
- How happy is the little stone, for voice, cello & piano
- The martyrs even trod, for voice, cello & piano
- It will be Summer, for voice & piano
- The Grass, for voice & piano
- Members of the Resurrection, for voice & piano
- What Inn is this, for voice & piano
- The Bustle in a House, for voice & piano
- And this of all my hope, for voice & piano
- It's all I have to bring, for voice & piano
- To Lose Thee, for voice & piano
- We learned the Whole of Love, for voice & piano
- Delight is as the flight, for 2 voices & piano
- Answer July, for 2 voices & piano
- I taste a liquor, for 2 voices & piano