| Alec Wyton, Burdick, Keiser Choral & Organ Music Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (15) - Disc #1- Prelude: Resurrection Suite - Marilyn Keiser
- Introit: Easter Day - Horner/Peterson
- Hymn: Coburn - Mark W. Peterson
- Kyrie: A Short Festival Communion Service - Steven Lawson
- Gloria: From A Short Festival Commion Service - Steven Lawson
- Psalm 130: Out Of The Deep - Janine Ullyette
- Sequence: This Joyful Eastertide - A. Wyton
- Offertory: The Vision Of Isaiah - Wilshire/Timpane/Lawson
- Offertory, Continued: Go Ye Therefore - Steven Lawson
- Sanctus And Benedictus: From A Short Festival Communion Service - Steven Lawson
- Agnus Dei: From A Short Festival Communion Service - Steven Lawson
- During Communion: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest - Hodges/Lawson
- During Communion, Continued: Lotus Blossom By Billy Strayhorn - Owen Burdick
- Hymn: Rowthorn - Mark W. Peterson
- Voluntary: Fanfare - Marilyn Keiser