| Bing Crosby Great Film Songs Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams [From Sing You Sinners]
- On the Sentimental Side [From Doctor Rhythm]
- Sing a Song of Moonbeams [From Eastside of Heaven]
- Swingin' on a Star [From Going My Way]
- Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive} - Bing Crosby, Arlen
- Only Forever [From Rhythm on the River]
- Pessimistic Character (With the Crab-Apple Face) [From If I Had My Way]
- Sweet Leilani [From Waikiki Wedding] - Bing Crosby, Owens
- Pennies from Heaven}
- Moonburn [From Anything Goes] - Bing Crosby, Carmichael
- The Moon Got in My Eyes}
- Love Is Just Around the Corner [From Here Is My Heart] - Bing Crosby, Gensler
- Down by the River [From Mississippi] - Bing Crosby, Hart
- Please [From the Big Broadcast of 1936] - Bing Crosby, Rainger
- The Bells of St. Mary's [From the Bells of St. Mary's] - Bing Crosby, Adams
- I Wished on the Moon [From the Big Broadcast of 1936] - Bing Crosby, Parker
- If I Had My Way [From If I Had My Way] - Bing Crosby, Kendis
- White Christmas [From Holiday Inn White Christmas] - Bing Crosby, Berlin
- Going My Way [From Going My Way]
- Road to Morocco [From Road to Morocco]