| Ludwig van Beethoven, Neues Münchner Klaviertrio, Hermann Lechler Beethoven [Irish Songs / Welsh Songs / Scottish Songs] Genres: Folk, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- A Wand'ring Gypsy, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 152/23
- No Riches from His Scanty Store, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 153/2
- Thy Ship Must Sail, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 153/20
- O Might I but My Patrick Love, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 153/16
- The Cottage Maid, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/3
- Oh Let the Night My Blushes Hide, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/7
- To the Aeolian Harp, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/9
- When Mortals All to Rest Retire, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/15
- The Dairy House, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/17
- The Vale of Clwyd, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/19
- Good Night, folk song for voice & piano trio, WoO 155/26
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 5. The sweetest lad was Jamie
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 6. Dim, dim is my eye
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 8. The lovely lass of Inverness
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 11. Oh! Thou art the lad of my heart, Willy
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 14. O, how can I be blithe and glad
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 15. O cruel was my father
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 20. Faithfu' Johnie
- Scottish Songs (25) for voices & piano trio, Op. 108: No. 21. Jeanie's Distress