| Alberta Hunter Alternate Takes (1921-24) Genres: Blues, Jazz, Pop, Broadway & Vocalists
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- He's a Darn Good Man (To Have Hanging 'Round) [Take 1]
- Downhearted Blues [Take 1] - Alberta Hunter, Austin, Lovie [1]
- Downhearted Blues [Take 2] - Alberta Hunter, Austin, Lovie [1]
- Why Did You Pick Me Up When I Was Down, Why Didn't You Let Me Lay [Alte
- Gonna Have You, Ain't Gonna Leave You Alone [Take 3]
- Daddy Blues [Take 1]
- Don't Pan Me [Take 1]
- Jazzin' Baby Blues [Take 2]
- You Can't Have It All [Take 2]
- Lonesome Monday Morning Blues [Take 1]
- Come on Home [Take 1]
- You Gotta Reap What You Sow [Take 2] - Alberta Hunter, Hunter, Alberta
- Bleeding Hearted Blues [Take 1]
- Chirpin' the Blues [Take 2] - Alberta Hunter, Hunter, Alberta
- Someone Else Will Take Your Place [Take 2]
- Vamping Brown [Take 2]
- Aggravatin' Papa [Take 1]
- Down South Blues [Take 4]
- Sad 'N' Lonely Blues [Take 1]
- Miss Anna Brown [Take 1]
- Old Fashioned Love [Take 1] - Alberta Hunter, Johnson, James [01]
- If the Rest of the World Don't Want You (Go Back to Your Mother ...)