Help Center - How do I purchase a Gift Certificate?

Search Terms:

You may purchase Gift Certificates in the Kiosk.  You do not have to belong to SwapaCD to purchase a Gift Certificate.  Only a SwapaCD member can redeem a Gift Certificate.  If you are giving a Gift Certificate to a non-member, that person will need to create an account at SwapaCD before she or he can redeem that Gift Certificate.  They will then receive an additional free credit once they post their first 10 CDs and deposit $5.00 in their account.

Gift Certificates are available for:

  • 5 credits
  • 10 credits
  • 5 CDs (5 credits with processing fee included for five requests) to use this the recipient will not have to put money in a new SwapaCD account he or she creates
  • 10 CDs (10 credits with processing fee included for 10 requests) to use this the recipient will not have to put money in a new SwapaCD account he or she creates

To purchase a Gift Certificate:

  • Click on SwapaCD Kiosk in the toolbar at the top of the site.
  • Choose your Gift Certificate
  • Choose your payment option
    • in the Kiosk you can pay using PayPal or Credit/Debit card
    • You can also pay by check or money order, by snail mail
  • Fill in the gift certificate information
    • including how you'd like to send your gift (printable or e-certificate).



Related Links:

How do I redeem a Gift Certificate?
What is a CD Credit?