Discussion Forums - Questions about SwapaCD

Topic: Do you play CDs before marking them received?

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thk (Linda S.)

Subject: Do you play CDs before marking them received?
Date Posted: 1/14/2007 8:14 PM ET
Member Since: 10/6/2006
Posts: 30
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I'm not sure what the "etiquette" is on this. If I mark it received before playing, is there any way (in addition to a PM) to identify a problem later? I've not noticed a way.
I don't want to hold up someone's credit, but I also would rather be sure if possible. How do you folks handle this?
iamthed (Alex D.)

Date Posted: 1/14/2007 10:10 PM ET
Member Since: 8/7/2006
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I look at the back of the CD. If it looks pretty good, I don't worry about it. One CD I received was scratched to all heck so I knew it wouldn't play correctly. 12 seconds into the first song it skipped. I marked received but damaged by sender as it had clearly been a senders issue and not USPS.
ZepFan (J C.)

Date Posted: 1/14/2007 11:43 PM ET
Member Since: 5/27/2006
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I do the same as Alex. To avoid holding up the sender's credit, I try to play the CD asap after receiving it. Other than USPS damaged CDs, I've had pretty good luck. :::knocking on wood::::
Classicana (Anna B.)

Date Posted: 1/15/2007 12:36 PM ET
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Since I've received brand new cd's from record clubs that looked perfect, but 'skipped' on every player I tried, I ALWAYS play them before marking them received. I do it asap, not several days later, but until you mark them received, the sender doesn't know that you have them, so what's another few hours???

eta: Once you have marked it received, you are on your own - you have effectively removed SaCD as the problem solver. If you then discover it is flawed, you can only rely on the sender to be very generous - personally, I'd consider it my own fault for not checking and just 'eat it'.

Last Edited on: 1/15/07 12:41 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
iamthed (Alex D.)

Date Posted: 1/15/2007 3:46 PM ET
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Then again who doesn't want to listen to a new cd the day you receive it! Kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
kayote (Kayote B.)

Date Posted: 1/16/2007 2:01 PM ET
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I try to listen, but often just don't. I do look at the back--if it's not scratched I figure the ripper can get it.
KarlaC (Karla C.)

Date Posted: 2/5/2007 4:02 PM ET
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I learned to listen first the hard way. Now I always do!
monkey (Reesa T.)

Date Posted: 2/28/2007 10:47 AM ET
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At first I would just mark them as received, as I was opening the package. Gee, That's pretty dumb. lol.

The 1st broken cd I got I had already clicked that it had arrived, and I was attempting to go back and change that to received with a problem, only to discover that once you have clicked, that's it, no go backsies...

I was just so excited at having recieved the cd's that I wasn't being diligent about "the process". This site is set up so well, all bases seem to be covered, but not if you don't hold up your end of the process.

I was able to get my credit and fee back for that 1st cd by writing in and explaining my predicament.

I am embarrassed to say that it happened to me a 2nd time, but I had already learned to play the cd 1st....I know now that you should really LOOK at the cd's very carefully, then play them. This particular cd was playing just fine, and I was listening to the tracks as I logged on to say I received it. Just as I clicked the button, my cd started to skip. LOL...9th song, and I had already clicked that the cd was recieved with no problem. I take out the cd and see that it is cracked in 2 places!!! DUH. I hadn't even bothered to look at the thing before I threw it in my player.

Once again I wrote to support, and they refunded me, but I promised not to let this happen again. Now, I look at the disc (both sides) I play it, and then, I will go through the process of acknowledging that it was received.

Lesson learned, always check cd's thoroughly before marking them received. It may take some time, especially when I get 5 cd's in 1 day, but I feel bad bothering tech about something that I could have prevented just by following the process.
J H.

Date Posted: 3/15/2007 7:39 PM ET
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I have never gotten a bad CD, but I always play them before marking them received. Like everyone else has said, once you mark it received with no problem, you are on your own! I figure it's worth the time to sit down and stick it in the CD player to make sure it works the way it's supposed to.
Archer (Paul K.)

Date Posted: 3/16/2007 8:10 AM ET
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If you don?t have an hour or so to listen to a CD all the way through before you mark it as being received, there is a free utility called Exact Audio Copy (EAC) that will check the disc for errors in a few minutes.
92Pony (Wade S.)

Date Posted: 3/22/2007 8:52 AM ET
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I wish I had JH's luck. I just recieved my second CD with major issues (badly scratched). Every disc that I've sent out has been pristine. What in the world do some people do with their CDs?!? roll

Sorry, just a little venting......

ZepFan (J C.)

Date Posted: 3/22/2007 3:44 PM ET
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I've wondered the same thing Wade. I keep all my CDs either in their cases or in a CD wallet, so most of them are in perfect condition. I have a son who just leaves them laying wherever and they look horrible. It goes without saying that I will never list any of his CDs.

::my own venting:: If you're going to treat your CDs like trash, do us all a favor and don't list them here!

Last Edited on: 3/22/07 3:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Brianna R.

Date Posted: 4/5/2007 2:12 AM ET
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Those little scratches usually don't even affect the play, it's the little spots (I have no idea how they are formed) or cracks (sometimes not even visable on the bottom side) that make CDs skip so it's best to listen to it beyond just looking at it. (CDs are so much more complicated than vinyl)
tompee (Tompee Z.)

Date Posted: 4/5/2007 4:50 AM ET
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i beg to differ, vinyl's a lot easier to grade than cds. i've had really banged cds (as in so many scratches it didn't reflect light anymore) and played perfectly.

another thing to look out for that i learned from my vinyl collectors website is to hold the cd up to light (shiny part facing you) and check for little pinholes. scratches are easy to fix with skip drs and what not, but those pinholes are there forever.

also check along the edges for portions of the data area that are sort of "chipping" away