Discussion Forums - CD Bazaar

Topic: Where?

Club rule - Please, if you cannot be courteous and respectful, do not post in this forum.
Carolyn B.

Subject: Where?
Date Posted: 12/19/2006 12:11 PM ET
Member Since: 10/24/2006
Posts: 16
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Does anyone know of any site where you can go and get rid of your unlistable CD's, or DVD's, even? After you trade with friends, you are left with a ton of burned copies you no longer need but are not accepted to use for swapping - Surely others find this similar?
Archer (Paul K.)

Subject: RE:
Date Posted: 12/19/2006 2:57 PM ET
Member Since: 10/3/2006
Posts: 51
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It is illegal to buy, sell, trade or give away burned copies of a CD whether the original CD is in your possession or not. It is the same as illegally downloading music.
Carolyn B.

Date Posted: 12/19/2006 7:22 PM ET
Member Since: 10/24/2006
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thanx archer, but that would have been the answer to a quest about explaining the legalities, so doesn't really help me in any way, but i'll refer back to it if i ever have such a quandry;-D i guess i must be solely alone in getting discs off of here to - well.... i can't even say i burn that many, i really am only interested in one song usually, pretty lucky to like two on an album, so occasionally i make a copy if i think i will want to listen to it later or if a friend wants it then i make one for them-otherwise i just upload the tracks and take what i want and return the disc-and i think i must be wrong wrong wrong again in my previous thought i was the only one because i know i have seen my own discs immediately put back on the market, so to speak, virtually minutes after having been received or soon after-fairly easy to tell especially when it is an esoteric disc and/or there was never a copy to be found before you put it in the system to begin with-i find it difficult to swallow that all these peeps go to the trouble to get a disc and listen to it even for one day and then decide, yeah, okay, don't need that anmyore, i can put it up for trade now hahahahahahahahaha..... but i'm guess that would have been the answer to a quest you didn't ask, n'est pas?
Archer (Paul K.)

Date Posted: 12/19/2006 9:41 PM ET
Member Since: 10/3/2006
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I didn?t say that nobody does it; I said that it is illegal. The RIAA has recently been looking at the various CD trading sites to see if they are nothing more than ?rip and ship? operations hiding behind the legal practice of trading original CDs that a person owns. When you post that you do this, it is on record and may be putting this site in danger. What I am saying is that ?don?t ask, don?t tell? doesn?t just work for gays in the military.
vprosser (Valerie P.)

Date Posted: 12/19/2006 11:07 PM ET
Member Since: 7/27/2006
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Just wanted to chip in that sometimes I will order a disc not knowing what the group is like, if I will like them or not. This is a cheap way to expand my horizons. I just listed a cd I got here that I finally had the chance to listen through entirely, and I just didn't enjoy it all that much. I don't burn anything either -- wouldn't even know how. So I just thought I'd let you know a reason why a disc ordered fairly recently may be relisted.
coolweather (Marie B.)

Date Posted: 12/20/2006 1:32 AM ET
Member Since: 8/7/2006
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I don't burn and neither do my kids. I hope I misread that you burn songs then return the discs.

Last Edited on: 12/20/06 1:33 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
iamthed (Alex D.)

Date Posted: 12/20/2006 8:57 AM ET
Member Since: 8/7/2006
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I think what was meant is that she receives a disc in the mail, enjoys here 1-2 songs and then returns the disc to the SwapACD market. This helps to explain why The Ataris' cd that she requested from me showed up on her list the day after being received.
Carolyn B.

Date Posted: 12/20/2006 10:36 AM ET
Member Since: 10/24/2006
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actually alex, that wasn't your CD, it was someone named emily-I had requested it from her first, i like the song "in this diary"-she accepted, apparently never said it was mailed, so after whatever the time limit on here is, the system invalidated it and sent me a note saying the order had been canceled, no one more shocked than i

so the next day i went searching for it again and ordered yours-about a week later, hers mysteriously arrived in the mail-i could not figure out how that could be and wrote customer service as well as emily-also, emily herself, who is the only one who knew what was happening as she is the one who forgot to mark on the database that she had mailed it, for some odd reason chose only to mention this fact to me in a PM after i had finally received her disc-i certainly would never have ordered yours had i known hers was indeed coming and my order had not been canceled-and everything i did was apparently status quo as i was told those exact directions from the webmaster

so now i am stuck with two identical discs that i never wanted in the first place and cannot unload, and it only lets me add one of them into the system anyway-yet the one disc i kinda wanted on here, was scratched and skips at the end where the one track i like is actually located-i have had endless orders canceled, one disc took over a month and a half to arrive so it was listed in the system as lost and when i finally received it, i wrote the person it had indeed arrived and i was informing them so they could finally get their credit and the system turned around and shorted me one of my own because it had credited me with one when it canceled that order-how am i ever gonna get out of here if i can't use up the money-but i could go on & on, and no, what i just said did not even count;-D

and no marie, i can't see how you might have misread anything

and thanx again, archer-i totally hear ya, i totally get it-but someone has to put it out there or you never get any answers-i never expected an open reply, just some covert leads, which i have received four so far though i cannot vouch for the quality until i check them out-if i find one, then it will be worth it to me instead of having to regret every single day that i ever heard of this worthless, to me, i only ever speak for myself, site - but no one seems to like it if you express any feedback that isn't glowing, even if it makes you a hypocrite to state otherwise-thankies for your time:-D
Archer (Paul K.)

Date Posted: 12/20/2006 12:43 PM ET
Member Since: 10/3/2006
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?instead of having to regret every single day that i ever heard of this worthless, to me, i only ever speak for myself, site - but no one seems to like it if you express any feedback that isn't glowing, even if it makes you a hypocrite to state otherwise?

For me personally, I couldn?t care less if you praise or trash this site. I have no vested interest in it except for the opportunity to trade CDs. I am not really a social networking type of person so trading is my focus. I would however imagine that SACD being a recent startup venture, that the founders are open to constructive criticism that would improve the service. There is a lot here that is good and as much that needs improving, but for around $1.50 per CD it certainly is not the end of the world if something goes wrong. There are very few things in my life that I regret every single day. A CD trading site (any of them) is not something that rises to that level.
Carolyn B.

Date Posted: 12/20/2006 12:53 PM ET
Member Since: 10/24/2006
Posts: 16
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i believe you;-D