Discussion Forums - Questions about SwapaCD

Topic: USPS damaged CD

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spectralsun (Nicole V.)

Subject: USPS damaged CD
Date Posted: 4/16/2007 8:02 PM ET
Member Since: 8/11/2006
Posts: 43
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Today in the mail I received a CD from this site. The CD was inserted in a clamshell originally from another site (which will go unnamed). When I opened the wrapper, the clamshell was opened, CD partially out, and cracked (out of the 100+ CD's that I've received from the other site, this has never happened to me). Normally I would mark the CD received without a problem and just get another one -- I do want to make sure that the sender gets the credit, since s/he did go through the trouble of making sure this wouldn't happen. But I had been waiting for this particular CD for a rather long time (it was for my younger cousin who was very disappointed when we opened the wrapper and it was cracked!), and would like to get back my position on the WL (and not pay a credit + fee again if I can avoid it).

If I mark the CD as "received, USPS damaged", I know I will get my position back on the WL, but will the sender still receive the credit?

Desorow (Bob P.)

Date Posted: 4/16/2007 8:12 PM ET
Member Since: 9/30/2006
Posts: 134
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Yes, if marked damaged by USPS
92Pony (Wade S.)

Date Posted: 4/17/2007 9:41 AM ET
Member Since: 11/3/2006
Posts: 34
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Yes, you will get your credit back, as well as your $.49, I believe. Additionally, I think you jump right back to your front spot on the WL for that item.

I recently received a damaged-by-sender item, and was refunded the credit and money. Oddly enough, I got another WL notification the next week, as it was posted again that soon. smile

spectralsun (Nicole V.)

Date Posted: 4/17/2007 12:10 PM ET
Member Since: 8/11/2006
Posts: 43
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Thanks, but does the sender get his/her credit?
iamthed (Alex D.)

Date Posted: 4/17/2007 12:12 PM ET
Member Since: 8/7/2006
Posts: 643
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Yes, I believe they do. But you may want to get confirmation from a SACD staff member.

Last Edited on: 4/17/07 12:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
countrygal (C G.)

Date Posted: 4/17/2007 5:32 PM ET
Member Since: 4/6/2007
Posts: 8
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As a sender who has had only one CD arrive broken at its destination as reported by the reciever - the answer is yes I still got the credit and the reciever got their credit and money back (i do believe).

It was one of the first CDs I sent out and went all the way to Hawaii. Since then I am using stiff corregated cardboard rather than the cereal cardboard recommended and have not had a problem.

Last Edited on: 4/17/07 5:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 1