Kevin G's Reviews

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When you review the great voices , Ella, Frank, usually one name would do...unless only 3 will do.You have to commit to a stylist whose early works in the mid 1940 trio days seriously up tempo, crisp clean energetic club sets. The honey toned balladeer came later, the chronological order of the disks permits an appreciation of the maturation and evolution in style, hep cat swing to the soul of a song. Alas a collection of this breadth should have had a detailed liner booklet, may be out there.

Review Date: 2/22/2023
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Well....imagine the original artist had been playing the same hit for a while and embellished it a bit. Not the originals ,more a "live" version some time after the hit broke and no live audience to hide the added vamping to try and keep fresh. The orchestration can very a little ...or a lot.I picked up to fill some singles holes and adequate. In a mix you can slide one in and would perk up the listener since spot on with version expected....novelty would wear thin. Worth it as a novelty/cover version variation

Review Date: 5/30/2016

As a serious fan of the original film score i found the pumped up Broadway treatment overblown. That crisp depression hunger from a early thirties score all glammed up with trills and flourishes looses the edge that stirred. I had a hard time conjuring the sound to 'dem dancin feet and had to content be competent presentation of a terrific song list. Yeah I know Ruby Keeler did not have a great voice , but she HAD to be a STAR....and succeeded.

Review Date: 7/16/2015

I wish the original soundtrack version of the music had been used.....alas. The selection are played in a conventional orchestral arrangement that conveys safely predigested pablum version of the music. If the music you hear as the producer goes to the podium during the actual awards ceremony is what you have in mind , bingo.

Review Date: 6/2/2015
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

Shortly after receiving had to make sure the roof was still attached to the house. The pure unbridled power and joy of these recordings are unique. A Very LIVE album that catches the total immersion into the sea of songs of devotion. Not a church goer per se, but do feel a bit redeemed just by the experience (zowie!)

The Queen of soul lets it rip ....jump in

Review Date: 4/8/2019

Gotta give Bing credit for as smooth a set of pipes as ever had. The compilation is limited in that includes more popular/commercial , although not White Xmas, go figure. Skill in milking each and every ounce out of a song,' My Melancholy Baby', and zippy fun, 'I'm an Old Cowhand'. Need to reach deeper if you want truly original earliest days with Paul Whitman, but a tidy selection and collection

Review Date: 5/30/2016
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

The biggee, American Pie is all its meant to be, a classic reason for FM radio fame and the reason the album still sells. BUT, this album has a number of excellent cuts including 'Vincent', a personal fave and the the haunting 'The Grave". As a lad I had the good fortune to have as a college bud for life a decorated Vietnam Vet who made abundantly clear to never pay this cut in his presence. Perhaps the most visceral anti War song ever, a bit over the top for the critics perhaps , but beware its power to overwhelm. McLean frankly didn't need another album after this one, 3 forever classics for me and a good listen for the rest.

Review Date: 11/3/2015

Nice compilation of 18/19th century American folk songs. More impressive, the stories relyed by a narrator who recalls tale tales with a wry wit that puts you at the general store stove. Long before the electronic means of story, some old coot kept rapt attention when telling his tall tales of toothpicks and reluctant mules. Strong traditional songs with an definite extra kick

Review Date: 5/25/2017
Title: Aqualung
Artist: Jethro Tull
Label: Capitol
Original Release Date: 1/1/1971
Date: 2/20/2016

Refutes Glam or Pop rock with introduction of Aqualung 'who makes deep sea diver sounds' .Just when AM radio was disappearing into irrelevance appears Ian Anderson and a rocking power flute to roar against pretty. The first album on cassette I tried on my brand new Walkman at full volume since the only true measure was Locomotive Breath at 11.A classic for a reason

Review Date: 2/20/2016

In olden time when Disco ruled the earth a strange and shabby man emerged to assert the RULE of rock and rock as he bent to pick a dog end smearing shabby clothes. First cassette i tested my spiffy new walkman on , full blast for Locomotive Breadth, a personal fave on steadily building ballad rocker. Ian Anderson wails on the flute to and his best friend had him by....well listen to the classic and you tell me. Top Notch fun....unless you have to deal with cross eyed Mary.

Review Date: 8/19/2016

Just to have a review written in this decade. It's all true, so much classic rock play of 2 or 3 of the cuts causes the true impact to get lost. 1967 was the year Rock went to albums, SgT Pepper, The Doors, and Jimi...Listen to if 6 were 9 and tell me about Beach Boys or Pet I cant listen to beach music again .....killer , go deep cut get Electric Ladyland and Hendrix Blues and you need no more on the history and transitive power of the guitar....period

Review Date: 1/8/2024
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

Only writing a review since those posted are yrs old and the hosannas dues this epic can never be overstated. 1967 was the year of Sgt Pepper, The Doors, and Jimi taking over and music was never the same. Such a pleasure to try and name a favorite....which has to be third stone since unlike anything I had ever heard. The leap into the unknown with the hypnotic thread drawing you further and further of the few that could be put of repeat for days. Beyond an essential, an elemental physical law.....and Electric Ladyland is still better , twice as much fun!

Review Date: 12/14/2015
Title: Are You Hep to Jive
Artist: Cab Calloway
Label: Sony
Original Release Date: 8/9/1994
Date: 10/3/2018
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

As a Cab fan, a tremendous compilation of the master of hipster pitter patter. Original and unmistakable style throughout leaves you feeling AL REET. The level of recording is very good and the song versions are wonderful. So put on that wide brimmed hat , keep hep and get in step ! If this doesn't have you moving , check, you might be dead

Review Date: 10/3/2018

A one stop Cab station guaranteed to make you feel all REET and complete. Not comprehensive but includes essentials. A terrific compliment to a Cabster or excellent foundation. Hidi Hey !!

Review Date: 5/5/2017

for the casual fan a bit jarring,for the starved fan of the one and true guitar god . bliss. Sloppy true blues goes over the rainbow to the land of Jimi.Excellent source of covers , Sunshine of your Love, Hoochie Coochie Man , Along the Watchtower , and a weirded out take on Day Tripper....treat yourself to the real deal.

Review Date: 1/5/2015

Absolutely guaranteed to get you going. Very high energy fun that works as precursor to the early Rockers, the post Big Band scatters, hints of Cab Calloway and all around hoot. A workout favorite since if you aint mov'n ck for a pulse, you are dead.

Review Date: 10/18/2016
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

Hmm....I have thi disc named " Down South Summit Meeting" telstar 5333 11014 2 7.....Just doesn't matter since this is a smoking collection . The players noted include Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee and Big Joe Williams. Like an Old Blues man said, When a woman has taken everything, i mean the linoleum off da floor, you can sing the blues.......

Review Date: 6/8/2015

Listened to again and the purity of that early Jazz sound rips and rumbles. Think of being at the speaks in the early am and dancing with abandon. The music 100 yrs later still amazes for the virtuosity and amazing Armstrong horn. Anything of the earliest Armstrong era is vital and the quality is excellent. Jump in with both feet and know genius.

Review Date: 8/16/2021

note two versions at least, a 10 track and a 14 track version. With the pop singles all 3.5 minutes or less not too hard to squeeze a few more tracks on. All familiar, some classics including Marvin Gaye bonus track, "What's going on". Bonus tracks make this version the one to get.

Review Date: 11/1/2014

Big John Lee fan and this and 'Bus Full of Blues" stand outs. If one were so unfortunate to limit to one , excellent choice. True Delta old style blues with each phrase honestly wrought, whether as the victim of fate, as lover or a playful observer always honest and clear.

Review Date: 8/20/2015
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

The second disk of a 2 cd set,
1-Lonesome Whistle 2:58
2 The day Elvis Died 2:23
3 Wabash Cannonball 3:29
4 Wreck of the old 97 2:26
5 You are my sunshine 3:05
6 Your Cheatin Heart 3:30
7 Boxcar Blues 3:22
8 Country Music Nightmare 2:35
9 Daddy was a Railroad man 1:48
10 Freight Train Blues 2:24

Review Date: 5/1/2020
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

A great deal of fun. Very high energy that shows why Louie was one of the first Vegas head liners. Hour plus play time and all stand outs.

Review Date: 8/20/2015
Title: Chanson d'Amour
Artist: King's Singers
Label: RCA
Original Release Date: 3/9/1993
Date: 2/11/2017

Extraordinary vocal purity. Whether a straight up interpretation of a classical./hymnal with solemnity or a witty jaunt thru a romantic ditty a tour de force. I love the crisp nuanced delivery sans all instrumentality annunciating each phrase and transition. If at all inclined grab in an instant.

Review Date: 2/11/2017
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

Had to see how one of the truly greats was less than 5 stars. Some ancient comments should not impact the true great. One of the absolute essential Floyd, with "Wish you were Here" that transcend. If Sgt Pepper redefined singles to albums, Dark Side moved from album to experience without operatic theatrics. Defined by the singularity of the singles , MONEY and DARK SIDE , with all the rest. Not a question as to whether belongs in all collections. Question is if you should keep a second copy in case .....headphones loud and let er go!

Review Date: 11/20/2018

Toughest kind of review, content very good, just not what I expected. This is first and foremost a chorale selection regards British Folk Songs. The production its well done if contrary to "folk" , too much polish. If I was familiar with the song diction of British folk songs the lyrical content would have been more clear to me. A practiced ear for choral will enjoy since quite good.

Review Date: 1/1/2018

Synopsis is not for this disc, although track listing is correct. 23 selections of the very distinctive sultry songstress. Very retro in that you feel you are listening to 1940's era radio as compared to a modern studio cuts, fuzzy if atmospheric. Selections reflect Marlene's multi-lingual talents, english,german & french. Her singing abilities are non traditional , but if swept up by the Blue Angel you are melting under her hypnotic gaze.....

Review Date: 1/17/2015

The speeches and historic import is of real importance. I enjoy recorded spoken word , hearing the actual voice has an impact. The actual recording is not well done. I can only assume that the original recordings were not enhanced at all since vocal quality inconsistent and frequently muddy and difficult. Perhaps the purity historians feel any sonic enhancement that would depart from the original recordings would be inappropriate , my only guess. The variety of speeches and content is gold and provides a real feel for the man and the politics. The speeches fall into three categories, The formal ceremonial , including truncated version of the inaugurals , the war , longer versions then generally heard of the Pearl Harbor and D-Day Prayer speech and some political speeches, great insight into politics and if the day .
Glad iI got it .

Review Date: 6/2/2015

I found the reviews of this collection were glowing if dated. Only a reminder of an extraordinary collection of the most extraordinary voice. The range of Big Band Ella, soulful Chantuse, playful, exuberant , mournful ....the full range. The arrangements and selections are masterful and do highlight the player.You may never have enough of a true great and only if forced to have but one collection of the perfect voice, this is it.

Review Date: 3/5/2019

If you were in doubt as to what defines the purest Jazz female vocalist, look no further. A saucy set that convinced me that all hold music should be converted to Miss Ella because no one would care how long it took. The consistency of the perfect sound is truly remarkable. The verve of truly live performance with stunning tonal range and inflection.

Why dissect it? just lay back and groove....

Review Date: 1/23/2015
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

Very well performed vocal mastery. melodic,somber,playful the full gamut. Some terrific world North African mixes as well. very nice indeed

Review Date: 4/7/2024

A solid contribution to the Gershwin library. Gregory Hines has solid vocals , note "Jelly's Last Jam", although his volcanic dancing talent is most seriously missed. Patti Austin s well welcome to the classic repertoire. Have to admit , may not be the "best" variation of the songs, (see Fred Astaire "Steppin Out",killer), although nuggets to be found.

Review Date: 9/17/2016
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

Willie Dixon is master of the mouth organ and glimpses of the great emerge. A bit too 'clean" and over produced for my tastes, sound too crisp? Images of smokey clubs after the midnight hour flashes with the vocal growl of the grand man. You can never go wrong and a happy addition.

Review Date: 3/1/2023

Old fashioned presentment that distracts from the well presented songs. Just sing PLEASE....the smoltz and layered corn intros go from tiring to tiresome. Reluctant to use as a mix basis since entails editing from each cut the stage based blather. BUT the songs when sung are very well done in a traditional manner that please me olde Irish Gran

Review Date: 11/7/2015

Glad to go full WWII retro with a nice collection of Vera Lynn. Her clear voice gives excellent rendition of the known classics, White Cliffs of Dover,We'll Meet Again, and a host of lessor knowns . Worth noting the orchestration is very sparse , good for the vocal clarity but thin on the total delivery of the song. If you are used to the lush orchestration of the Big Band Chanteuses , down right Spartan. A very good pick up for fans of the era.

Review Date: 7/27/2016
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

Just one of the greatest of all time. Pop as art form and experimental political theater. The lyrics reflect Simon at his best and the collaborative effort with Ladysmith Black Mombasso a break through in world music fusion. Since my copy went missing , one of the reasons i joined was to replace this album since its lack was painful.

Review Date: 1/13/2015

Surprised by the paucity of reviews. The boldness of Simon to bridge into yet another genre and continent for a fresh jolt to American popular music. An Homage to the King and Diamonds on the souls of your shoes on one album? Fearless Rhymin Simon at his best, crystal clear phrasing with near mystic shifts transiting the listener to different lands, moods and mindsets. Having lent and lost this disc got me on this exchange on the quest to replace bedrock tunage....

Review Date: 1/3/2022

Grand Masters of a style, albeit the defining style of Jazz. Unmistakable players inasmuch that NO ONE blows like Armstrong, a clear and honest horn that echoes through the ages. Mixed with the urbane Ellington riffs, a very pleasant way to invest you listening pleasure. Highly recommend for those seeking an honest late Armstrong beyond the Hello Dolly over produced greatest hits, and Ellington could not be anything but smoooooooth.

Review Date: 12/11/2015
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

Very strong compilation of many of the greats. nitpickin about over representation of this or that artist , but if looking for that cut or an overview killer stuff. At best 3 disks a mere taste that hopefully drives the listener to exploring specifics. A bit of 1920's and fifties, but meat is 30's and 40's .Worth noting no Louis Armstrong , 5 Duke Ellington Consider the Ken Burns 6 disk collection to compliment and have a true overview....then get 10 or twelve hours of Ella & Louis hot 5/7 and groove

Review Date: 2/14/2025
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.

A distinct effort that showcases the talents of all assembled....almost to the point of self indulgence. The playing is superb, purposeful and eccentric The style liberties exude fun and confidence and a distinct answer to a current take on Jazz as an off shoot from the Marsellis traditionalists. Rest assured demands multiple listens and well deserves

Review Date: 11/23/2018

Rave reviews entirely deserved. Saw it was posted, if briefly , and compelled to ad hosanna's. Love Ravi and the breadth of his and fellow players skill. The discipline of a concert setting and appreciation of that audience help propel this disc over the top. For and world music fan, or the most casual listener willing to experiment a bit, run , don't walk for this one!

Review Date: 8/19/2016

When one of the truly great vocal stylists tackles the standards great things do happen. If familiar with Ella the delivery is low key simple presented with utter clarity. If unfamiliar , the songs are presented with out fluff and feathers and rely entirely on a simple piano accompaniment by Paul Smith and the great voice. Between Ella and Sinatra you needed no others for the distant stare loosened neck tie Scotch on ice 50's take on love and loss. Think slow dance getting slower....

Review Date: 3/23/2022
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

19 track overview....pretty much has the gamut of the solo "hits"
1/give peace a chance
2/instant karma
3/power to the people
4/Whatever gets you though the night
5/ #9 dream
6/mind games
7/ love
8/happy xmas ( war is over)
9 imagine
10/ jealous guy
11/ stand by me
12/ (just like) starting over
13/ woman
14/ I'm losing you
15/beautiful boy (darling boy)
16/watching the wheels
17/ dear yoko
18/ move ms. L
19/cold turkey

Review Date: 6/2/2016

Long time favorite and one of the two essential DOORS albums, 'The Doors', and this . Three essentials , Riders of the Storm, incredible atmospheric and Manzarek's best work, Crawlin King snake cover , raunchy Morrison letting his inner funk , and the title cut LA Woman. If in need a rocker let loose with MR MOJO RISIN and see if the speedometer isn't topped out. A balanced album that sets the tone and lets it rip.

Review Date: 10/17/2018

Stunned reported as anything under 5+ stars. Unless inclined to assemble the whole Bob library a stunning recap. I started here and acquired the rest to capture the mastery and majesty of the blue mountain grown ambassador to the mighty and street. Slight issue with version of Buffalo Soldier which I had yrs ago as a high tempo clarion call to action that a different version on the cd when issued, almost mellow? No worries.....Jammin, Exodus.....and the loving renditions of the sweetest Three little birds, One escapable balance and contrast that makes a desert island MUST.
Still hear the lyrics when confronted with hypocrisy..." Sick and Tired of your easy skeezy games....fill in the blank and breath free and know what you understand....

Review Date: 9/8/2016

This album has been a core part of my personal desert island set. 5 albums , thats it you better hope you have something that inspires, provokes,agitates,reassures,and centers. No one collection can do justice to Mr Bob , but, if you must have but one,mandatory and have no fear redeemed.

Review Date: 4/23/2015

Terrific compilation of the familiar and truly new, not sure I've heard 'Flying Saucer Rock and Roll' before. Rich diversity of artists with hefty helpings of Carl Perkins. The SUN sound is a hybrid of twangy electric proto country meeting blues ,very tasty!

Review Date: 6/17/2017

A very live version of the cuts. The legends out of the studio and on stage, not some stadium but a bar with appreciative fans. Not the smoothest renditions but as voiced by the older and wiser voices, warts and all, entertaining.

Review Date: 6/5/2015

I have seen Toby Walker live twice and both times were knock outs.Very rounded contemporary and historic perspective on Delta Blues and a very sharp lyrical pen.Please note the title listing . Wicked Wit and Steel Guitar

Take a Little Walk With Me
Texas Tornado
Who's Gonna be Your Sweet Man Tonight?
All Around Man
Savannah Momma
Kismet Rag
Full Figured Woman
Stack O' Lee
Irish Fiddle Medley
When She Wants Good Lovin
Monkey in the Pool Room
Boogie Woogie Dance
Born Blind
The Lead's All Gone
Sitting on Top of the World
I've Ben Weeping
Catfish Blues

Review Date: 7/12/2016
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

The other 5 star reviews say enough. I had to write to reaffirm the utter uniqueness of this album from the long ago and right now. A short album and a Rocket sled propelling the listener to the core of SOUL. The true GODFATHER of soul and SUPERSTAR broke through in every sense with this explosion. The APOLLO was famous for a no mercy crowd that would not hesitate to punish the unworthy and exalt the great. Get the feel of their energy and be there.... You will need to get more and more of the Godfathers work to feel complete, just and electric jolt from the toes up.

Review Date: 10/7/2019
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