| Zoltan Kodaly Kodály: Choral Music Vol.7 Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (31) - Disc #1- T?r?t eszik a cig?ny (See the Gypsies Munching Cheese), folksong for female chorus or mixed chorus
- Esti Dal (Evening Song), folksong for high voice or mixed or male chorus
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Seven easy children's choruses
- T?ncn?ta (Dancing Song), for high voice chorus
- G?lya-n?ta (The Swallow's Wooing), for high voice chorus
- Egyetem, begyetem (Hippity, Hoppity), for high voice chorus
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- Easy Childrens' Choruses (7) and Humorous Canons (6), for children's chorus: Six Humorous Canons
- M?z, M?z, M?z (Honey, Honey, Honey), for double high voice chorus
- Lengyel L?szl? (King Ladislaus' Men or Magyars and Germans), for high voice chorus
- Cig?nysirat? (Gypsy Lament), folksong for high voice chorus
- Cohors generosa (R?gi Magyar di?kk?sz?nto; Hungarian Students' Greeting), for boys' chorus
- Horatii Carmen II. 10 (Rectius Vives), for chorus ('A sz?p ?neksz? m?zs?j?hoz,' 'To the Muse of Beautiful Singing')
- J?nos k?sz?nto (Greeting to St. John), for boys' chorus
- Gergelyj?r?s (St. Gregory's Day), for high voice chorus
- Geneva Psalm 150 (A 150. genfi zsolt?r), for chorus
- ?j esztendot k?sz?nto (A Christmas Carol), for high voice or mixed chorus
- ?nek Szent Istv?n kir?lyhoz (Hymn to St. Stephen), for unison treble chorus & organ (or for chorus)
- Angyalok ?s P?sztorok (Angels & Shepherds), for double childen's chorus
- Vizkereszt (Epiphany), for high voice chorus
- P?nk?sd?lo (Whitsuntide), for high voice chorus