Product DescriptionChristoph Straus
Andreas Rauch
Giovanni Pruili
Girolamo Fantini
Antonio Bertali Music includes Mass Ordinary settings and Propers, Symphonia Motet & Four Instrumental Sonatas by Chosen Composers Yvonne Seymour, soprano
Margaret Cable, mezzo-soprano
Rogers Covery-Crump, tenor
Philip Daggett, tenor
Ian Partridge, tenor
David Collin, tenor
Stephen Varcoe, bass
Roger Langford, bass
Yorkshire Bach Choir
Yorkshire Baroque Soloists
Anthony can Kampen, violone
Nigel North, theorbo
Baroque Brass of London
Crispian Steele-Perkinsm, trumpet
Michael Laird, trumpet
Peter Seymour, conductor "The works of this record constitute a complete Mass likely heard shortly after the singing of the peace of Westphalia in 1648, celebrating the end of the 30 Years War. The range encompasses the music of the three Kapellmeisters , one Lutheran composer and an Italian virtuoso musician...imports of the influential Italians and their modern practices were then leading the way from polyphonic writing to the early baroque. The eight-part works in this collection are probably to be performed antiphonally, with sparkling brass instrumental doubling, in the festive style cultivated by the Gabrielis in Venice".