| Balbastre, Robert Works for Harpsichord Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- La de Caze, overture for harpsichord (Book 1)
- La d'H?ricourt, for harpsichord (Book 1)
- La S?gur
- La Monmartel ou la Brunoy
- La Boullongne
- La Castelmore
- La Courteille
- La Bellaud
- La Lamarck
- La Berville
- La Lug?ac, gigue for harpsichord (Book 1)
- La Suzanne, for harpsichord (Book 1)
- La Genty
- La Malesherbe
- La Berryer ou La Lamoignon
- La Laporte
- La Morisseau
Track Listings (20) - Disc #2- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Titon et L'Aurore: 1st and 2nd Gavottes B
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Titon et L'Aurore: Air Gracieux
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Titon et L'Aurore: Menuet
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Titon et L'Aurore: 1st and 2nd Gavottes A
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Titon et L'Aurore: Air
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Le Carnaval Du Parnasse: Air
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Le Carnaval Du Parnasse: Air Gracieux
- Transcription for keyboard of Mondville's Le Carnaval Du Parnasse: Muzette
- Transcription for keyboard of Rousseau's Le Devin De Village: Contredanse
- Transcription for keyboard of Rousseau's Le Devin De Village: Air
- Transription for piano ofFerrant's Proserpine: Air de D?lie
- Transcription for piano of Dauvergne's Hercule Mourant: Gavotte
- Transcription for keyboard of Monsigny's Le Ma?tre en Droit: Air De Lindor
- Transcription for keyboard of Monsigny's On Se S'Avise Jamais de Tout: Air
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Les Paladins: Air de L'Ouverture
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Plat?e: Contredanse
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Dardanus: 1st and 2nd Gavottes
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Pygmalion: Pantomime
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Pygmalion: Gavotte Gracieuse
- Transcription for keyboard of Rameau's Pygmalion: Gigue