| Winifred Atwell Another Party Genre: Pop
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- Poor People of Paris - Winifred Atwell, Monnot
- Twelfth Street Rag - Winifred Atwell, Bowman
- Johnson Rag - Winifred Atwell, Hall
- Make It a Party 1: Don't Dilly Dally on the Way/Who's Your Lady Friend/ - Winifred Atwell, Brown
- Cross Hands Boogie - Winifred Atwell, New
- Bumble Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Korsakov, Rimsky
- Make It a Party 2: After the Ball/Peggy O'Neil/Meet Me Tonight in Dream - Winifred Atwell, Dodge
- Plink Plank Plunk - Winifred Atwell, Anderson
- Steamboat Rag - Winifred Atwell, Burnett
- Temptation Rag - Winifred Atwell, Lodge
- Russian Rag - Winifred Atwell, Cobb
- Let's Have a Ball 1: Music Music Music/This Ole House/Heartbreaker/The - Winifred Atwell, Davis
- At the Woodchoppers Ball - Winifred Atwell, Bishop
- Maple Leaf Rag - Winifred Atwell, Joplin
- Dynamite Rag - Winifred Atwell, Robinson
- Let's Have a Ball 2: Last Train to San Fernando/Bring a Little Water Sy - Winifred Atwell, Devers
- Bounce the Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Naber
- Hamps Boogie Woogie - Winifred Atwell, Buckner
- Yancey Special - Winifred Atwell, Lewis
- Let's Rock 'N' Roll: Singin' the Blues/Green Door/See You Later Alligat - Winifred Atwell, Davie
- Black and White Rag - Winifred Atwell, Botsford
- Lazy Train - Winifred Atwell, Hoffman
- Bewitched - Winifred Atwell, Rodgers
- Dob's Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Dobschinski
- Let's Rock 'N' Roll 2: Shake Rattle and Roll/Rock Around the Clock/Razz - Winifred Atwell, Calhoun
Track Listings (25) - Disc #2- Boogie in the Groove - Winifred Atwell, Penrose
- Vine Street Boogie - Winifred Atwell, McShann
- Jimmy Dorsey's Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Dorsey
- Let's Have a Party 1: If You Knew Susie/The More We Are Together/That's - Winifred Atwell, De Sylva
- Rhapsody Rag - Winifred Atwell, Cross
- Five Finger Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Atwell
- Wanderlust Waltz - Winifred Atwell, Eliott
- Let's Have a Party 2: Daisy Bell/Boomps a Daisy/She Was One of the Earl - Winifred Atwell, Connor
- Coronation Rag - Winifred Atwell, Atwell
- Golden Tango - Winifred Atwell, Silvester
- The Gypsy Samba - Winifred Atwell, Man
- March of the Cards - Winifred Atwell, Fain
- Taboo - Winifred Atwell, Lecuona
- Let's Have Another Party 1: Somebody Stole My Gal/I Wonder Where My Bab - Winifred Atwell, Ayer
- Serenata - Winifred Atwell, Anderson
- Lady of Spain - Winifred Atwell, Evans
- Dixie Boogie - Winifred Atwell, Atwell
- Flirtation Waltz - Winifred Atwell, Heywood
- Charleston - Winifred Atwell, Johnson
- Dill Pickles - Winifred Atwell, Johnson
- The Left Bank - Winifred Atwell, Monnot
- Choo Choo Samba - Winifred Atwell, Fishman
- Let's Have Another Party 2: Lily of Laguna/The Honeysuckle and the Bee/ - Winifred Atwell, Armstrong
- Asia Minor - Winifred Atwell, Hekiaan
- Moonlight Fiesta - Winifred Atwell, Ornadel