Wilma Lipp

CDs Wilma Lipp performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2014 - Bach St Matthus-Passion

Genre: Classical
2009 - Recital

Genre: Classical

CDs Wilma Lipp helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

2001 - Mozart Requiem

Genres: Pop, Classical
2000 - Panorama Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vol 1

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (31)

2007 - Mozart Requiem In D Minor K 626

Genres: Pop, Classical
2007 - Beethoven Symphony No 9 Choral

Genre: Classical
2006 - Beethoven Symphony No 9

Genre: Classical
2006 - Mozart L'Enlvement au Srail

2006 - Mozart La Flte Enchante / The Magic Flute / Die Zauberflte

2006 - Mozart Symphony 40/Piano Concerto 20/Serenades 10 'Gran Partita' 13 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Wilhelm Furtwangler Berlin Philharmonic

2006 - Mozart Die Zauberflte

2005 - Otto Klemperer Wiener Philharmoniker Live Broadcast Performances (Box Set)

2005 - Johann Strauss Die Fledermaus

2005 - Mozart Zauberflte

2004 - The Best of The Magic Flute by Mozart
2004 - Johann Strauss Jr Die Fledermaus
2003 - Mozart The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte)
2003 - Mozart Die Zauberflte
2002 - Strauss Die Fledermaus
2002 - Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail
2002 - Beethoven Symphony No 9 Choral
2002 - Strauss Die Fledermaus Lehr Der Zarewitsch
2001 - Beethoven Symphony No 9
2001 - Mozart Requiem
2001 - Mozart Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail
2001 - Offenbach Hoffmanns Erzhlungen
2000 - Die Gartnerin Aus Liebe - Wunderlich
2000 - Mozart Don Giovanni K527
2000 - Beethoven Symphonies Nos 4 5 9 Choral Coriolan Overture
1999 - Great Recordings Of The Century - Mozart Die Zauberflote / Karajan Dermota Seefried Lipp et al
1998 - Die Zauberflte
1995 - Mozart Mass in C minor K427
1994 - Mozart Die Zauberflte
1994 - Johannes Brahms Choral Works And Overtures
Johann Strauss Die Fledermaus (The Bat)