Currently Available CDs (8) | Currently Unavailable CDs (256)2008 - Eternal Harpsichord 2008 - Four Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal 2008 - Mary and Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey 2008 - Flower of Cities All Music in London 1580-1620 2008 - Sweenlinck Master of the Dutch Renaissance 2008 - Music for Passiontide and Easter 2008 - Serenity Beautiful Choral Music (Box Set) 2008 - Tribute 2008 - The King's Singers Collection (Box Set) 2008 - Thomas Morley The First Book of Consort Lessons 2008 - Crystal Tears (CD+DVD) 2008 - Tribute 2008 - The Harmonious Blacksmith Favourite Harpsichord Encores 2008 - O Sacrum Convivium 2008 - Hear My Words 2008 - Choral Music from York Minster 2008 - Voix Haute L'hritage des Castrats 2008 - Renaissance Dances 2008 - Alfonso Ferrabosco William Byrd Consort Music 2008 - A Consort of Musicke Bye William Byrde Orlando Gibbons 2007 - William Byrd Clarifica me 2007 - The Domestication of the Animal World (includes DVD) 2007 - The Tallis Scholars Sing William Byrd 2007 - For Unto Us a Child Is Born 2007 - Choral Music from Lincoln Cathedral 2007 - Byrdland 2007 - The Christmas Collection (Box Set) 2007 - Discover Choral Music 2007 - Album of 19 Favorites 2007 - Byrd My Ladye Nevells Booke 2007 - L'esperit de la Contrareforma 2007 - Byrd Cantiones Sacrae 2007 - InterClarinet 2007 - Jewels of the Renaissance Era 2007 - Famous Works for Harpsichord 2007 - Elegeia 2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works 2007 - This England 2007 - Music for Compline (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - All in the April Evening 2006 - The Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal 2006 - Playing Elizabeth's Tune (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - Your Sweetest Notes New Music from Norwich 2006 - Hear the Voice 2006 - Fanfares and Passages 2006 - Playing Elizabeth's Tune 2006 - Advent in Winchester 2006 - Krieg und Frieden 1568 1618 1648 2006 - Renaissance Favorites for Guitar 2006 - Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Norden 2006 - Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) 2006 - Sanctus 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) 2006 - Sounds of Light 2005 - Musique sacre de la Renaissance 2005 - Chansons de la Renaissance 2005 - Byrd The Great Service 2005 - Discover Early Music 2005 - Steal Away to Jesus Spirituals Prires 2005 - The King's Noyse dir David Douglass Royal Delight 17th Century Ballads Dances 2005 - Rose Thistle 2005 - Byrd Harpsichord music /Leonhardt 2005 - William Byrd Anthems Motets Services 2005 - 1605 Treason Discord 2005 - The Art of the Recorder 2005 - Early Music for Meditation 2005 - Bach Bull Byrd Gibbons Hassler Pachelbel Ritter Strogers 2005 - Vermeer Music of His Time 2005 - Offertorium 2005 - William Byrd Consort Songs 2005 - Thomas Tallis The Complete Works (Box Set) 2005 - Come Holy Spirit Music for Ascension Pentecost Trinity 2005 - Peace I Leave With You 2005 - Tudor Anthems 2005 - Compline Service with Anthems Motets 2005 - Christ Rising 2004 - Thomas Tallis Instrumental Music and Songs 2004 - William Byrd O Sacrum Convivium 2004 - Boys Gotta Dance 2004 - Festival of Christmas 2004 - Christus Natus Est Early English Christmas 2004 - Byrd Mass for Three Voices with the Propers for the Nativity 2004 - Healing Harp 2004 - Bach Bull Byrd Gibbons Hassler Pachelbel Ritter Strogers 2004 - Miserere Collection of Choral Classics 2004 - Music for a Hidden Chapel 2004 - William Byrd Consort Songs 2004 - Brass Super Hits 2004 - Madrigal History Tour 2004 - Primavera 2004 - Henry VIII His Six Wives 2004 - Hallelujah 35 Great Choruses 2004 - Sacred and Secular Music from Six Centuries 2004 - Bara Faustus' Dreame Mr Francis Tregian His Choice 2003 - Decca Recordings 1965-1972 (Limited Edition) 2003 - Lux Mundi 2003 - Old World Christmas 2003 - De Janequin aux Beatles 2003 - The Essential Tallis Scholars 2003 - Music from the Royal Court 2003 - Elizabethan Virginals Music 2003 - Serious Songs Sad Faces 2003 - Renaissance Masterpieces (Box Set) 2003 - Parthenia or the Maydenhead English Renaissance Keyboard Music 2003 - Harpsichord Sampler 2003 - Pachelbel Greatest Hits (and other Baroque Favorites) 2003 - A Harpsichord Sampler 2003 - Your Heart Shall Rejoice 2002 - Accendo Music from the time of Claudio Monteverdi 2002 - Processional 2002 - The Organ At Adlington Hall 2002 - The Queen's Goodnight 2002 - Cathedral Dreams Choral Classics for Your Soul 2002 - Mariners and Milkmaids 2002 - Make We Joy 2002 - Pavana The Virgin Harpsichord 2002 - Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book 2002 - Instruments from the Russell Collection 2002 - Eastertide Music for Lent Passiontide and Easter 2002 - Byrd Music for the Virginals 2002 - Epiphany at St Paul's 2001 - The Tallis Scholars Live in Oxford 2001 - Ave Verum Popular Choral Music 2001 - Inspired Joy Music to Enhance Your Spirit 2001 - Christmas Celebration 2001 - Wondrous Machine Early English Keyboard Music on the Organ of the Ospedaletto in Venice 2001 - Fredensborg Fantasier 2001 - Byrd 3 Masses 2001 - Tintinnabulum Organ Works by Arvo Part 2001 - Barbirolli Conducts the Halle Orchestra 2001 - O Sweet Love Songs by Dowland Byrd 2001 - Byrd Motets and Mass for four voices 2001 - 600 Years Calefax 1985-2000 2001 - Into the Light 2001 - L'Organo in Europa From Renaisance to Baroque 2001 - Byrd Complete Consort Music 2001 - Essential Hyperion Vol 2 2000 - Magic Flanders Recorder Quartet and Friends 2000 - Armada Music from the Courts of England and Spain 2000 - Shakespeare Songs 2000 - Byrd / Tallis Choral Music 2000 - The Glory of Early Music 2000 - William Byrd The Three Masses for Five Four and Three Voices 2000 - Julian Bream The Ultimate Guitar Collection-Volume 2 2000 - Pilgrimage to the Christ Church 2000 - Shakespeare's Music 2000 - Der Himmel lacht Die Erde jubilieret 2000 - Con Brio Norwegian English Sacred Music 2000 - Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music 2000 - Battling Classics 1999 - Elizabethan Christmas Anthems 1999 - Stabat Mater Classical Music for Reflection Meditation 1999 - Gloria Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation 1999 - Agnus Dei 1999 - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Vol 19 1999 - Treasures of Sacred Music 1999 - Vox Virginalis 1999 - Fortune My Foe Music of Shakespeare's Time 1999 - The Best of the Renaissance 1999 - Dowland and Byrd Goe Nightly Cares 1999 - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Vol 15 1999 - Music From the Court of Queen Margrethe II Volume 2 1999 - Magnificat The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Music 1999 - Elizabeth's Music 1999 - Forever England (Box Set) 1999 - O Lusty May Renaissance Songs of Spring 1998 - A Quiet Conscience 17th century Songs 1998 - A Quiet Conscience 17th century Songs 1998 - When They Had Pedals Vol 1 - The Pleyel 1998 - Great Cathedral Anthems Vol 9 1998 - Agnus Dei II Music to soothe the soul 1998 - The Leaves Be Green 1998 - A Capella From Saint Thomas Church 1998 - The Renaissance Album (Windham Hill) 1998 - The Great History of English Classical Music 1998 - Magnificat Nunc Dimittis Vol 10 1998 - English Choral Music 1514-1682 (Box Set) 1997 - Advent at St Paul's 1997 - Splendor Of The Harpsichord 1997 - Byrd The Caged Bird 1997 - Musique of Violenze - Dances etc for Queen Elizabeth's Violin Band /Parley of Instruments Holman (English Orpheus, Vol 42) 1997 - Visions of Heaven Music for Inspiration 1997 - Musica Polofonica 1992 1997 - Calefax Reed Quintet Plays William Byrd Arvo Prt 1997 - Lamentations 1997 - Tears from Heaven 1997 - English Music from Henry VIII to Charles II 1996 - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Vol 11 1996 - Gypsy's Round 1996 - Violet Gordon Woodhouse 1996 - SanctusMeditations For The Soul 1996 - Mass for Five Voices / Lamentations of Jeremiah 1996 - Stillness And Sweet Harmony 1996 - The Well-Tempered Horn 1996 - Die Kunst der Improvisation 1996 - Purcell Airs Duets 1996 - Consort Songs 1996 - William Byrd Mass for Five Voices Music for the Feast of Corpus Christi 1996 - Early Music Collection 1996 - Elegant Classics for Brass 1996 - An English Chorister's Songbook 1996 - Byrd Harpsichord Works 1996 - Masters of the Renaissance 1996 - Music for a Great Cathedral 1996 - Treasury of Elizabethan Music 1995 - Let All the World 1995 - Treasures of English Church Music 1995 - Divisions on an Ayre 1995 - An Introduction to Early Music 1995 - Oxford Church Anthems 1995 - Greatest Hits Harpsichord 1995 - Ave Verum Favourite Parish Anthems 1995 - Renaissance Masterpieces Ockeghem Josquin Morales 1995 - Renaissance Men 1995 - The Early Byrd 1995 - Music Of William Byrd 1995 - Royal Music 1995 - The English Viol 1995 - Choral Evensong for Ascension Day 1995 - Anthems Motets 1994 - Movies Greatest Hits 1994 - Brass Greatest Hits 1994 - The Queenes Command 1994 - Byrd Consort and Keyboard Music Songs and Anthems 1994 - Go From My Window Music for the Virginal 1994 - English Consort Music 1994 - Music for Brass Ensemble from the 16th - 18th Centuries 1994 - The Great Marches (Box Set) 1994 - Popular Elizabethan Music 1994 - Diversions 1994 - Skogen Flickan och Flaskan 1994 - Byrd Mass for Four Voices Mass for Five Voices Infelix ego 1993 - Out of the Orient Crystall Skyes 1993 - Musica Dolce From Byrds to Birds 1993 - Treasury of Harpsichord Favorites 1993 - Anthems From Salisbury 1993 - Clas Pehrsson 1993 - Heavenly Noyse 1993 - English Madrigals 1992 - Byrd Messes 1992 - Mary's Music 1992 - Watkins Ale Music of the English Renaissance 1991 - Sing We Nol Christmas Music from England and Early America 1990 - The World of King's (Germany) 1990 - English Renaissance Music Celtic Influences Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)