| Leo Weiner, Istvan Kassai Weiner: Suite for Piano Duet & Little Piano Pieces Genre: Classical
Track Listings (59) - Disc #1- Hungarian Folk Dance Suite, for orchestra (or piano, 4-hands), Op. 18: I. Allegro risoluto e ben marcato
- Hungarian Folk Dance Suite, for orchestra (or piano, 4-hands), Op. 18: II. Andante poco sostenuto. Allegro con fuoco
- Hungarian Folk Dance Suite, for orchestra (or piano, 4-hands), Op. 18: III. Andante poco sostenuto. Pesante, poco maestoso
- Hungarian Folk Dance Suite, for orchestra (or piano, 4-hands), Op. 18: IV. Presto
- Little Piano Pieces (5): 1. A bundának nincs gallérja (Funny song)
- Little Piano Pieces (5): 2. Ábécédé, rajtam kezdé (Children's song)
- Little Piano Pieces (5): 3. Elvesztettem páromat (Children's song)
- Little Piano Pieces (5): 4. Mikor gulyáslegény voltam (Lyrical shepherd's song in old style)
- Little Piano Pieces (5): 5. Hopp ide tisztá (Wedding song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 1. Elment a tyúk vándorolni (Lyrical old style song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 2. Ez a kislány gyöngyöt fuz (Lyrical new style song
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 3. Királyasszony (Children's song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 4. Érik a ropogós cseresznye (Lyrical new style song
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 5. A part alatt: három varjú kaszál (Children's song
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 6. Én Istenem, minek élék (Lyrical new style song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 7. Szomorú fuzfának harminchárom ága (Lyrical new st
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 8. Tücsöklakodalom (Funny, old style song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 9. Udvaromon hármat fordult a kocsi (Recruiting song
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 10. Esik as eso, ázik a heveder (Solderis' song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 11. Este van már (Love song in new style)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 12. El kéne indulni (Wedding song in old style)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 13. Kelj fel juhász! (Shepherd's song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 14. Elmentek a cigányok (Funny gypsy-mocking song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 15. Szeretnék szántani (Merry song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 16. Béreslegény jól megrakd a szekered (Old shepherd
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 17. Déva vára (Ballad in old style)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 18. Ludasjáték (Children's song)
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 19. Aj, Istenem, hogy búsulok (Lyrical old style son
- Easy Little Piano Pieces (20) (Hungarian Nursery Rhymes and Folk Songs), Op. 27: 20. Egy nagyórú bóha (Children's song)
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 1. A tari réten (Lyrical new style song)
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 2. Lánc, lánc, keskeny lánc (Children's s
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 3. Mit mos levél Katicája (Children's son
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 4. Bujdosik az árva madár (Lyrical old st
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 5. Csinálosi erdon (Lyrical old style son
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 6. Zöld erdoben (Lyrical old style song)
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 7. Szabad péntek, szabad szombat (Childre
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 8. Ha kimegyek a nényei nagy hegyre (Lyri
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 9. Megy a kocsi (Old style song)
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 10. Haragusznak rám (Lyrical new style so
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 11. Mikor menyasszonyt esketniviszik (Wed
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 12. Lefeküdtem csak alig (Love song in ol
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 13. Panaszos ének (Plaintive song)
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 14. Tavaszi szél (Love song in old style,
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: I. Easy piano pieces 15. Fordulj vígan, koszorú (Children's so
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 16. Repülj madár (Love song in o
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 17. Szolohegyen keresztül (Funny
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 18. A veszprémi állomáson (Lyric
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 19. Menuetto (a nyoszolyólányok
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 20. Lányom, lányom, gyöngvirágom
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 21. Mély a Tiszának a széle (Old
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 22. Elvesztettem keszkenyomet (O
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 23. Mikor gulyáslegény voltam (L
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 24. Nagdorogi csárdás (Fast csár
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 25. Ropogós csárdás (Fast csárdá
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 26. Gyergyói verbunk (Recruiting
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 27. Aki szép lányt akar venni (L
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 28. Mért küldött a kisasszony (C
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 29. Áll elottem egy virágszál (O
- Hungarian Folk Music, 30 little piano pieces for young people, Op. 42: II. Intermediate piano pieces 30. Eger felé (Lyrical old style