Warne Marsh

CDs Warne Marsh performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (38)

2011 - The Unissued Copenhagen Studio Session

Genre: Jazz
2010 - Two Not One

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2009 - Big Two

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2008 - All Music

2008 - Coast to Coast

2007 - In Copenhagen

2005 - Warne Marsh

2004 - Jazz of Two Cities

2004 - Final Interplay

2003 - Marshlands

2002 - Personal Statement
2001 - Berlin 1980
2001 - Unsung Cat Life Music of Warne Marsh
2001 - Jazz from the East Village
2000 - Back Home
2000 - Live in Las Vegas 1962
2000 - I Got a Good One for You
1999 - Flowering / Warne Marsh
1999 - Lee Konitz With Warne Marsh
1999 - Lee Konitz With Warne Marsh (Dig)
1998 - Big Two 2
1998 - The Unissued 1975 Copenhagen Studio Recordings
1997 - Unissued Copenhagen Studio Recordings
1997 - Big Two 1
1995 - Ballad for You
1995 - Posthumous
1995 - Ne Plus Ultra
1995 - Conversations With Warne Vol2
1995 - Music for Prancing
1994 - Live At The Montmartre Club Jazz Exchange Vol 2
1994 - Newly Warne
1994 - Two Days in the Life of
1994 - Two Days in the Life of
1994 - Ne Plus Ultra
1994 - A Ballad Album
1994 - Star Highs
1994 - Marsh Warne Notewor
1990 - Art Pepper With Warne Marsh

CDs Warne Marsh helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1996 - Intuition

Genres: Jazz, Pop