Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn

CDs Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (26)

2008 - Trumpet Concertos by Johann Wilhelm Johann Christian Hertel

Genre: Classical
2008 - Johann Wilhelm Hertel Johann Christian Hertel Trumpet Concertos (Hybrid SACD)

Genre: Classical
2008 - Bach Bass Arias

Genre: Classical
2008 - The Greatest Cello Concertos

2008 - Halleluja 2 The Most Favourite Vocal Pieces

2008 - Johann Sebastian Bach Sopranarien

2006 - Haydn Trumpet Concertos

2006 - Haydn Trumpet Concertos (Hybrid SACD)

2006 - Joseph Haydn Nelson Mass Responsaria de Venerabili Ave Regina

2006 - Joseph Haydn Die Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlsers am Kreuze Vokalfassung

2004 - Jesus Geh Voran
2002 - JS Bach Church Cantatas II
2002 - Bach Cantatas Praise Thanks Death Eternity
2001 - Shostakovich Symphonies 1 5 Jazz Suite and Others
2001 - JS Bach Church Cantatas I
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 198-200
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 169-171
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 172-175
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 188 190-192
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 195-197
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 100-102
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 115-117
1999 - Bach Cantatas BWV 91-93
1999 - Bach Cantatas BWV 80-82
1999 - Bach Cantatas BWV 49-52
1999 - Bach Cantatas BWV 83-86