Vincent Persichetti

CDs Vincent Persichetti performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1992 - Night Moods

Genres: Special Interest, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2006 - Brothers Sing On Classics for Men's Chorus

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2005 - A La Carte - Short Works for Winds

Genre: Classical
1995 - St Ignatius Loyola New York City -- Mendelssohn Sonata in F minor / JS BachL Fantasia FUgue in G minor BWV 542 / de Grigny Recit de Tierce en taille / Franck Chorale 3 / Persichetti Shimah B'Koli / Durufle Prelude Fugue on Alain

Genre: Classical

CDs Vincent Persichetti helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (67)

2016 - Be Glad Then America

Genre: Classical
2010 - American Choral Music - Persichetti Schuman Bolcom Fine Foss

Genre: Classical
2009 - Touch The Toccata Project

Genre: Classical
2009 - Stokowski The Maverick Conductor

2009 - American Works for Piano Duo

2009 - Abraham Lincoln Portraits

2008 - John Brock in Recital

2008 - Utah Trombone Authority

2008 - Excursions

2008 - Vincent Persichetti Complete Piano Sonatas

2007 - Vincent Persichetti The Four String Quartets
2006 - American Choral Music
2006 - Monumental Works for Winds
2006 - Persichetti Divertimento Masquerade Parable
2006 - Blasts from the Century Past
2005 - Zion
2005 - trombone
2005 - Persichetti Symphonies 3 4 7
2005 - Vincent Persichetti
2005 - Signatures
2005 - Vincent Persichetti Serenade No 5 Op 43 Symphony for Strings Op 61 Symphony No 8
2005 - Parables Music for the Viola
2005 - American Souvenir
2004 - Take Wing Lois Bliss Herbine Piccolo
2004 - One
2004 - American Winds
2004 - Ride
2003 - Emily Dickinson Songs
2003 - One Nation Under God
2003 - When Wind Comes to Sparse Bamboo
2003 - Sounds Shapes and Symbols
2003 - American Works for Piano Duo
2003 - American Contrasts
2003 - Serious Songs Sad Faces
2002 - Wind Journey
2002 - David Maslanka Symphony No 5
2001 - Meditations for All Seasons
2001 - Musical Banquet
2001 - Contrasts American Music for Flute and Harp
2000 - Gale Force
2000 - 20th Century Harpsichord Music Vol1
1999 - Soundscapes
1999 - 1999 WASBE The United States Air Force Band
1998 - Poems for Piano
1998 - Dello Joio Songs of Abelard and Other World Premieres
1997 - Winds of Change American Music for Wind Ensemble from 1950s to the 1970s
1997 - Masterpieces from the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin New York City
1997 - A Bird Came Down the Walk
1996 - 20th Century Music for English Horn and Oboe
1996 - Waves
1996 - Douglas Hill The Modern Horn
1995 - Songs Dances
1995 - Jonathan Cohler The Clarinet Alone
1995 - Three Concerti
1995 - Vincent Persichetti Three Choral Works
1994 - Henry Cowell Fiddler's Jig Air Scherzo Concerto Grosso Hymn Fuguing Tune No 10
1994 - 20th Century Music for Trumpet and Organ
1993 - New England Reveries
1993 - Pistons and Pipes
1993 - Members the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (Creston: Chant of 1942; Hovhaness: Celestial Fantasy; Dello Joio: Air for Strings, etc.)
1993 - Oboist Peter Christ
1993 - Music by Norman Dello Joio Peter Schickele Vincent Persichetti
1992 - Persichetti Symphony No 5 Piano Concerto
1992 - Diamond Symphony No 5 Babbitt Relata 1 Persichetti Night Dances
1992 - American 20th Century Piano Music
1991 - Frederick Fennell the Eastman Wind Ensemble Grainger Persichetti
Testament - Music for a Time of Trial