| Various Artists Universal Sounds Genres: Special Interest, Pop
Track Listings (80) - Disc #1- Manual Typewriter
- Electric Typewriter
- Computer Keyboard
- Desk Drawer Open
- Filing Cabinet Open/Close
- Photocopier Operation
- Office Doors Open/Close
- Metal Cupboard Open/Close
- Office Phone Ringing
- Dialing on Office Phone
- Mobile Phone Dialing
- Intercom Paging
- Teledex
- Paper Guillotine
- Hole Punch
- Paper Shuffling
- Stapling Paper
- Electric Stapler
- Fire Alarm Warning Siren
- Electric Roller Door Open
- Electric Roller Door Close
- Carpark Gate: Car Arrive and Proceed Through
- Elevator Arrive, Enter, Select Floor, Doors Open/Close
- Ground Floor
- Kettle Boiling
- Pouring Water into Coffee Cup
- Stirring Coffee
- Rinsing Coffee Cup
- Filling Glass from Water Cooler
- Squeaky Office Chair
- Briefcase Unlocked, Open and Shut
- Poker Machine: Putting Coins in and Pulling Handle
- Poker Machine Jackpot
- Small Dinner Bell
- Large Dinner Bell
- Larger Dinner Bell
- Entrance Bell
- Ship's Bell
- Ship's Telegraph
- Fog Horn
- Small Car Horn
- Old Car Horn
- Bike Horn
- Air Horn
- Umpire's Whistle
- Person Whistling
- Party Whistle
- Party Favor Exploding
- Brushing Teeth
- Male Gargling
- Female Gargling
- Male Choking
- Female Choking
- Male Throat Clearing
- Female Throat Clearing
- Female Laughing
- Squeaky Laugh
- Sexy Laugh
- Hysterical Female Laughter
- Silly Woman Giggling
- Man Laughing
- Men Laughing
- Group of Men and Woman Laughing
- Kookaburra
- Parrots
- Corella
- Pygmy Goose
- Lapwing
- Kingfisher
- Flycathcer
- Nightingale
- Owls
- Budgies
- Seagulls
- Single Cricket
- Mosquito
- Bee
- Crickets at Night
- Baby Chickens
- Canaries