| Various Artists Trance DJ Express: Super Star Mixes Genres: Dance & Electronic, Pop
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Man [DJ Violent Mix]
- Paranomia [Exorcism Mix]
- I Just Flow (Meat Remix)
- Love Affection [Screamer Mix]
- Surronded [All in the Family Mix]
- I'll Be There [Ladies Mix]
- Lost in Paradise [Fire Blow Mix]
- Like to Jam 211 [Doctor T Mix]
- Venus Loverboy [DJ Shelly Mix]
- R.E.M. [Desire Mix]
- I Just Flow (Edit Version)
- Flight Bodynoise [Float Me Mix]
Track Listings (10) - Disc #2- Donut Supreme [Hole Filler Mix]
- Focker Hogue [Stigmata Mix]
- Stranos [Funker Daddy Mix]
- Luminary Vs. Agesis [Titan Mix]
- Pondus Le'plak [Cellblock X Mix]
- En Filur [Blair Mix]
- Sodium [Extended Rite Mix]
- Battle Set for Stun [DJ Super Star Mix]
- The Search Goes on [Angel Mix]
- Slash Grooves [Dax Mix]