| Various Artists Traditional Music & Songs From Greece Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Milo Mou Kokino [My Red Apple]
- Aniksan Ta Dendra Ula [All the Trees Are In Bloom]
- Georgitsa [Little Georgia]
- Kontoula Lemonia [Little Lemon Tree]
- Emis Edo Den Irtame [We Came Because...]
- Hymnos Eklisiastikos [My Soul]
- O Diamandenios O Stavros [the Diamond Cross]
- Organiko: Omorfoula [Beautiful Girl] [Instrumental]
- Adama Palikaria [Together, Brave Boys]
- Seranta Mila [Forty Apples]
- Amarandos [the Plan Remains Strong]
- Lianohortaroudia [Little Herbs]
- Stis Pikrodaffnis Tonantho [On the Blossom of the Laurel]
- Mantilatos [Dance With Handkerchiefs] [Instrumental]
- Stergios [Name]
- Xipna Mikro Mou Teri [Wake Up My Little Partner]
- Ti Ithela Ke Sagapousa [Why Should I Fall In Love With You?]