| Various Artists Syrian Orthodox Church Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (15) - Disc #1- Madrosho [Hymn of Repentance]
- Thumo d'Haimontho [The Boarder of Creed]
- Thibotho [Penance Hymn]
- B'utho Mor Jakob [Supplication of Saint James]
- B'utho Mor Afrem [Supplication of St. Ephraim]
- Psalmody [Psalm 91 & 121]
- Ma'anith of Saint S?v?rus Patriarch of Antioch
- The Apostles Creed
- Cantique de la Semaine Sainte (Hymn of the Passion Week)
- Lecture de l'?vangile (Reading of the Gospel)
- Cantique de la Semaine Sainte (Hymn of the Passion Week)
- Husoyo (Demande de Pardon) (Plea for Forgiveness)
- Pri?re de St. ?phr?m (St. Ephriam's Supplication)
- Ach Tagorye (Pri?re) (Supplication)
- Cantique (Hymn & Madrosho)