| Various Artists Sound Effects Genres: Special Interest, Pop
Track Listings (55) - Disc #1- Lions Roar
- Ducks in a Brook
- Elephants in Jungle
- Japanese Nightingale
- Turtle Doves Courting
- Jungle - Animal Sounds
- Blackbird
- Horses - Rounding Curves on Gravel
- Horses - Passing on Concrete
- Cows - On Farm
- Horses Galloping and Jumping
- Frogs
- Monkeys
- Parrots
- Storm with Tunger and Wind Gusts
- Rain Strom in the City
- Violent Rain and Thunger
- Rain on a Window
- Thunder and Rain
- Snow and Wind Storm
- Scots Bagpipes on Parade
- Glockenspiel
- Pianoforte - Low Notes
- Machine Gun
- Land Battlew/Machine Gun Fire
- Jet: Boeing 707 - Landing
- Jet: DC - Take Off
- Helicopter Flying Overhead
- Freight Train - Passing Station and Call
- Express Train - In Transit
- Electric Engine - In Transit
- Steam Locomotive (USA) - With Bell: Train Comes to Halt
- Italian State Railroad Train - Closing of Doors and Departure
- Fireworks
- Fireworks - Pinwheels
- Fireworks Exploding
- Firework Display
- Automobile: Couple Boarding Car - Steps, Opening and Closing of Doors,
- Automobile - Slammping of Door and Departure
- Stock Car Race
- Sports Car Rounding Curve
- Indianapolis Racing Cars - In Groups on Straightway
- Space Music
- Spaceship - Landing and Taking Off
- Satellite Explorer XV
- Satellite Anna 1 B
- Satellite Relay 1
- Satellite Kosmos XIII
- Mercury Aurora VII - Scott Carpenter, Rocket Take-Off
- Friendship VII - Rocket Take-Off
- Circus
- Giant Roller Coaster
- Screams - From Coller Coasters
- Swimming Pool - Children
- Children at the Beach
Track Listings (40) - Disc #2- Automatic Coffee Machine
- Telephone - Lifting of Receiver, Free Line Dialing of 7-Digit ...
- Water: Filling & Draining - Washbasin Filling
- Water: Filling & Draining - Shower
- Water: Filling & Draining - Dripping of Washbasin
- Dish Washer - Filling with Water, Wash Cycle, Opening of Door
- Dish Washer - Heat Switch, Emptying of Water
- Cat Drinking Milk
- Adhesive Wrapping Tape - Various Sounds
- Flies on a Window
- Rolling Shutter - Opening, Closing, Various Openings
- Electric Coffee Grinder
- Relay Switch
- Electric Razor - Shaving, Shaping Sideburns, Cleaning
- Elevator - Lift
- Table Game - Electro-Acoustical Gadget
- Air Conditioner - Switch-On
- Great Dane Puppy
- Antique Austrian Harp
- Steam Pressing Machine - Laundry, Various Noises
- Radio Control for Model Airplane
- Proessional Splicing Table - Moviola 16/35mm Forward, Forward at ...
- Laboratory - Centrifugal Mcahine, Various Noises
- Chemical Laboratory - Background Noises, A Test Tube Breaks, Switch on
- Stone Cutters - Striking Stone
- Glass Blower - High Flame, Low Flame, Glass Sounds, Igniting of Flame
- The Repair Shop - Removing and Mounting of Tires with Pneumatic Pistol
- American Police Siren
- Town Band - Playing for a Holiday
- "Nocturnal" Electronic Effects
- Crowd Noise - Applause, Murmuring
- Abruzzo Bagpipe
- Stadium - During a Soccer Game
- Ambulance - Passing
- Fire Engines - Passing with Ambulance Following
- Military Platoon in Training
- Newborn Child Sound
- Carnival of Viareggio - Various Sounds, Floats Passing
- Carnival of Viareggio - Band Passing
- Carnival of Viareggio - Fountain in Plazza Mazzini, Carnival Sounds in
Track Listings (44) - Disc #3- Shipyard - Various Characteristic Sounds
- Loading a Ship
- Small Fishing Boat with Moto - Loading a Raft
- Ferry Boat for the Island of Elba - Loading Operation, Departure
- Sea - At About 50m Distance
- Sea - At About 10m Distance
- Sea - Several Meters Away
- Waves on a Pebble Beach
- Persons Walking Through a Bed of Reeds
- Footsteps on a Sandy Beach - With Sea as Background Noise
- Pebbles Being Tossed in the Sea
- Sailboat - Shrouds Flapping in the Wind, In a Small Port
- Ignition and Starting of Outboard Motor
- Rowboat - In Motion
- Private Swimming Pool - Diving, Swimmer Swims Length of Pools ...
- Submarine Sonar
- Bailing out a Rowboat
- Blast Furnace - Producing a Lament-Like Sound
- Steelworks - At Piombino Italy
- Bulldozer - Moving a Heap of Earth
- Large Truck for Heavy Loads
- Electric Railroad Substation
- Pistol-Type Water Sprinkler
- Piston-Motor Lawnmower
- Washing and Drying of Dishes
- Suction Hand Pump - Freeing Clogged Wash Bowl
- Quiet Street - Two Persons with Clogs Walking By
- Electric Light Bulbs - Explode, Gathering of the Fragments
- Generator Unit - Ignition, In Operation, Turn Off
- Military Trumpet - Reveille
- Military Trumpet - Hoisting the Flag
- Military Trumpet - March
- Military Trumpet - To Be off Duty
- Military Trumpet - Attention
- Military Trumpet - Silence of Order
- Military Trumpet - Silene out Order
- Military Trumpet - Flick Flock (March of Bersaglieri)
- Turkey-Cocks
- Dog - Growling
- Dog - Yelping
- Bull - In a Stable
- Pig
- Pig and Cows
- Cicadas