| Various Artists Sound Effects 1-4 Genre: Special Interest
Track Listings (55) - Disc #1- Talking Alarm Clock: 'Good Morning' At 6:00 AM
- 'Visiting' The Bathroom: Number One (With Zipper And Flush)
- Shaving: Straight Razor (Filling Sink, Lathering Up, Toweling Off, Applying Cologne)
- Brushing Teeth, Gag And Gargle
- English Muffin: Loud Chomping And Chewing
- The Belch
- 'Visiting' The Bathroom: Number 2 (Plop, Grunt, Fart, Fizz...Oh What A Relief It Is...And Flush!)
- Door Knock With A Rattling Jam
- Door Bell (Westminster Chimes)
- Door Banging: Violent
- Door Banging: Violent With Yelling 'Come On, Let Me In!'
- Door Creaking #1 (Or Coffin Lid?)
- Door Creaking #2
- Door Slam (Single)
- Door Slam (Multiple)
- Digging For Ice
- Blender: Crushing Ice, Changing Speed, Addding More Ice
- Chewing And Crunching On Ice Cubes
- Squealing And Styrofoam Lid On Cooler
- Squeezable Ketchup Container: Getting The Last Drop
- The Popsicle Experience: Unwrapping, Licking, Sucking And Slurping
- The Straw In Milkshake Experience: Drawing The Last Drop
- The Big Burp Of Satisfaction
- Two Sneezes: Male
- Door To Door Sales Pitch: Youth Organization Rep Selling Soup To Nuts
- Talking Alarm Clock: 'Second Call' At 6:09 AM
- Screaming Heavy Metal Electric Guitar Solo (Earplugs Recommended)
- Motorcycle: 2 Stroke Dirt Bike (Kick Starting)
- Motorcycle: 2 Stroke Dirt Bike Passing Left To Right, Right To Left
- Harley -Davidson Motorcycle Electronic Ignition And Idle
- Horns: Two Cars And A Motorcycle In Concert
- Squirting Car With Hose
- Electric Hand-Held Hairdryer: Blowing From High To Low
- Crushing Aluminum Cans And Tossing Into Recycling Bin
- Vacuum Cleaner: Passing Near And Far
- Switching TV Channels With Remote Control: Most Annoying
- Sleigh Bells: Authentic Sleigh Bell Strap
- Tool Box: Searching For Just The Right Tool
- Metal Falling
- Smoke Detector: Alarm Sounding
- Modern Telephone Ringing: No One Home
- Cat Meowing And Purring: Introducing 'Kitten'
- Electricity: Static And Frequency
- Welding Torch: Popping At Ignition, Glowing, Re-Lighting, Glowing
- Heavy Metal Falling: Ouch!
- Lathe: Plastic-Startup, Carving Plastic
- Band Saw: Cutting Thick Wood; Laboring Blade
- Video Game: Shots, Pings, Explosions, And Points Scored
- Train Whistle1: 11 Pulls, Varying Length, Pitch And Strength
- Train Whistle 2: 13 Pulls (Lower Pitch), Varying Length And Strength
- Train Whistle 3: 20 Pulls (Higher Pitch), Varying Length And Strength
- Train Whistles: 3 Whistles In Concert (Many Pulls)
- Belch: Unbelievably Long And Disgusting
- Taps (Authentic): Pure And Simple
- Talking Alarm Clock: 'Third And Last Call' At 6:18 AM With Endless Alarm
Track Listings (67) - Disc #2- Orchestra Tuning Up
- Reveille
- Emptying Trumpet Spit Valve
- Beginner Practicing Drums
- Drum Roll With Cymbal Crash
- 'George Of The Jungle' Drum Beat
- Dropping Accoustic Guitar
- Plugging Electric Guitar Into Amplifier
- Electric Guitar Feedback
- Microphone Voice Check With Feedback
- One Male Scream
- Garage Band Practicing
- 'Oh Yeah' (Male)
- 'Do It One More Time' (3 Year-Old Girl)
- Too Long Drum Solo
- Two Males Scream
- 'Shut Up!' (Tough Female)
- Psycho Killer In Preparation (Knife Sharpening And Salivating)
- Screams Of Distress (Female)
- One Long Scream Of Distress (Female)
- Slurping And Gulping Soup (Ugh!)
- Vomit City (Not For The Faint-Hearted)
- Laughing (Male...Hearty, Somewhat Diabolical)
- Nerd Laugh (Close)
- Gasping Laugh (Male)
- Hacking Phlegm & Expectorating (Hocker To The East, Loogie To The West)
- Multiples Of The Preceding With Coughing Added For The Afficionado
- Arm Farts I (No We're Not Kidding)
- Arm Farts II (Once More, With Feeling!)
- Balloon Squeals I (One Blow And Trying To Tie It Off)
- Balloon Squeals II (Ends With Backward Air Flutter)
- Fingernails Scratching On Chalkboard
- Crystal Glass (Ping And Rim Rubbing)
- Crystal Glass Chor (3 Pitches)
- Unloading Dishwasher (Opening, Emptying And Closing)
- Coffee Grinder (Decaf): Opening Bag, Pouring Beans And Grinding
- Cappucino Machine (Brewing And Soothing-Soooooo Loud!)
- Food Processor (Start, Pulse And Stop)
- Gas Stove (Electronic Ignition)
- Frying Potatoes (Cast Iron Skillet/Metal Spatula Scraping)
- High Speed Drill Press (Large Bit-Start Up And Winding Down)
- Dremel Tool (Sounds Worse Than Drill Press!)
- Rubber Piggy Squeeze Toy (Ad Naseum)
- Smoke Alarm (Chirping)
- Wind Chimes (Ascending)
- Wind Chimes (Descending)
- Wind Chimes (Random-Loud)
- Knuckle Cracking
- Piano Chord I
- Piano Chord II
- Piano Chord III
- Piano Chord IV
- Piano Chord V
- Piano Chord VI
- Piano chord VII (Rhythmatic Pounding)
- Moving Furniture (Left To Right)
- Moving Bench (Left To Right)
- Metal Cabinet Doors (Opening And Closing)
- Paper (Tearing, Ripping & Crumbling)
- Shuffling Cards & Dealing (On Glass Table)
- 'Mom, Do You Have Any Money?' (Insistent 3-Year Old...Successful Ending)
- 'I Have To Go Potty!' (Same 3-Year Old)
- 'Visiting' The Bathroom: Number 1 (The Female Process)
- Shower (Sliding Doors, Water On And Off, Final Drips, Doors Again)
- Six Real Farts (We're Not Kidding)
- 'No Way!' (Male Yelling)
- Pipe Organ 'Amen' (The Big Finish!)
Track Listings (62) - Disc #3- Lead-In Groove On 'Ancient' LP
- Electric Guitar Temper Tantrum (Being Smashed Against Wall)
- Gas Generator (Start-Up, Idle, Sputter)
- Same Generator (Shutting Down With Backfire)
- Jackhmmer Breaking Up Asphalt
- Bobcat Bulldozer (Approaching, Shovel Loading, Retreating And Repeating)
- Deep Freezer Compressor
- Same Deep Freezer-Searching For Dinner (Opening, Digging To The Bottom, Closing)
- Bang The Tin Cup Slowly
- Smpte Time Code
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: A Classic Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Descending (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Ascending (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Classing Springy #2 (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Boink Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Springy Has Sprung
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Tight Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Springy Break (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Bouncy Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Crashy Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: The Big Springy (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Splats (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: Squishes (2X)
- Springy, Boing, Splat, Squish: The Big Squish (2X)
- 'Three Speckled Frogs': Cutesy 3-Year Old Alexandra Singing
- Little Alex And Her Sister Devin Sing And Play The Piano...Not!
- Wesley's 2nd Birthday Party (Unwrapping Gifts)
- Pee-Wee Football Practice (Exercise, Coach's Comments And Clapping It Off)
- Automatic Car Was Sequence: Vacuuming
- Automatic Car Was Sequence: Washing
- Automatic Car Was Sequence: Pressure Hose Job
- Automatic Car Was Sequence: Engine Start Up
- Native African Drums: East African Drums 1
- Native African Drums: East African Drums 2
- Native African Drums: Kalimba
- Native African Drums: West African Drums 1
- Native African Drums: West African Drums 2
- Welcome To My Nightmare
- Space Dreams
- Small Prop Single-Engine Airplane (Approach, Passover & Fade)
- Incessant Doorbell Ringing
- Sliding Window Sequence (Draw Drapes, Unlock, Slide Open, Slide Closed, Re-lock,Close Drapes)
- Striking Wooden Match And Blowing Out Flame
- Tongue Clicks
- Irritating Nervous Finger Tapping (2 Hands)
- Irritating Nervous Finger Tapping (1 Hand)
- Spinning Coin On Counter
- 2nd Coin Spin
- 3rd Coin Spin
- Loose Change Spilling On Counter
- Separating & Counting Coins On Counter
- 'Dinosaur' Toenail Clipping
- Purring And Pussy Licking-'Kitten' The Cat
- Electric Can Opener Sequence (Attaching, Opening, Removing)
- Clothes Dryer Sequence (Door Open, Close, Turn On...Sneakers Tumbling And Fade)
- Metal Strumming-Reverberant
- One Sick Trumpet
- Charge!
- Trumpet 'Ta Dah!' (3X)
- Loading CD Into Player Drawer...CD Mistracks
- Old Time Victoria-(Cranking Up, Needle Drop, Scratch 78, Lead Out And Needle Grating Across Groove)
- Lead Out Groove On 'Ancient' LP, Needle Skipping...'Turn It Off, Already!'
Track Listings (77) - Disc #4- Screams (F) (2X)
- In The Torture Chamber-Screams (M) (7X)
- Screams (M) (2X)
- Screams (M)-Falling (2X)
- Moans (M) (2x)
- Ghosts (M) (4X)
- Ghosts (F) (7X)
- Ghosts-With Wind (M)
- Moans (2X)
- Ghosts (3X)
- 'Get Out!' (4X)
- 'You'll Die Tonight!' (4X)
- 'You're Mine!' (4X)
- Vampire: 'I Want To Suck Your Blood'
- Igor: 'Master...Master'
- Igor Laughs
- Deep Maniacal Laugh (2X)
- More Maniacal Laughter (6X)
- Witch's Cackle: 'I'll Get You!'
- Demented Voice: 'Come Here' (5X)
- Demented Voice: 'Come To Me' (4X)
- Ghost: 'Who Goes There?'
- Man Begging: 'Please Don't Hurt Me...'
- Woman Begging: 'Help Me'
- Woman Begging: 'Please Don't Hurt Me...'
- Panting (M)
- Strangling (F)
- Strangling (M)
- Yelling (M)
- Water Dripping
- Sawing Bones
- Digging The Grave
- Something's In The Basement!
- Banging: It's Coming And It's Big!
- Creaking Door
- Adjusting The Torture Equipment
- Pouding Nails In The Coffin
- Eerie Music Box
- Yowling Cat
- Psycho Birds
- Bats In The Cave
- Howling Wolves
- Tenderizing The Victim
- Drilling For Blood
- Chainsaw
- Table Saw-Splitting Personalities
- Vicious Growling Dog
- Sharpening Knife
- Meat Cleaver
- Out Of The Fire And Into The Frying Pan
- Flight From Fright-With Heavy Breathing
- Gunshots (4X)
- Glass Breaking (4X)
- Boiling Cauldron
- Grandfather Clock Strikes Midnigtht
- Heavy Footsteps
- Dragging Chains Up The Stairs
- Dragging The Body Up The Stairs
- Monster Snorting
- Monster Having Breakfast
- Bad Television Reception
- Poltergeist-Shake, Rattle And Roll
- Playground-The Children Of The Damned
- Satanic Chanting: 'In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanis Luciferi Excels!'
- Invocation Employed Towards The Conjuration Of Destruction
- The First Enochian Key (In English)
- Invocation To Satan
- Something's In The Piano! #1
- Something's In The Piano! #2
- Night Ambiance (With Crickets)
- Setting The Fire (With Match Strike)
- Storm #1
- Storm #2-Heavy Thunder
- Organ Mood Music #1: Bach: Toccata And Fugue in d/Virgil Fox (Excerpt)
- Organ Mood Music #2: Toccata/Virgil Fox (Excerpt)
- The Guillotine
- Night Fright-A Montage Of Horrors