| Various Artists Rock-A-Billy Barnyard Genres: Pop, Rock
Track Listings (30) - Disc #1- Tall Oak Tree - Burnette, Dorsey
- Tennessee Rhythm - Newton, Ted
- Chicken Bop - Forse, Truit
- Gonna Be Better Times - Urban, Al
- If You Don't Like My Apples (Don't Shake My Tree) - Briley, James L.
- Walkin' Down the Road - Newton, Ted
- What Will the Answer Be - Smith, Dayton
- Born Unlucky - Smith, Tommy [Saxop
- Big Daddy Rcok - Watts, Hunter
- Look What You Done to Me - Blades, Emery
- Blue Feeling - Hall, Euel
- Doggone Dame - Forse, Truit
- I Fell - Burcham
- The Dirty Bird Song - Baker
- Won't Tell You Her Name - Urban, Al
- Wild Man Rock - Watts, Hunter
- The Rock and Roll Carpenter - Blades, Emery
- Stand in Line - Colbert
- Loving Machine - Richardson, Nolan
- I'm a Long Gone Daddy - Williams, Hank [1]
- Barnyard Rock 'N' Roll - Kuamme, Conrad
- Girl from Tennessee - Benningfield, Bobby
- Come to the Party - Hart, Allan
- I'm Gonna Let You Go - Rector, Hank
- Don't Let Your Love Grow Old - Hughes, Eldon
- O O H - E E E (What You Do to Me) - Reed, Jerry
- The Whole Night Long - Corbin, Glenn
- Stranger in Black - Cross, V. Waynce
- On the Warpath - Noe, Dale E.
- You Better Leave My Baby Alone - Sutherland, David