| Various Artists Noah's Musical Ark Genres: Pop, Children's Music
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- All God's Creatures /Two by Two [Story 1/O Come, O Come, E]
- God Talks to Noah /Two of a Kind [Story 2/O Little Town of]
- Mrs. Noah Leans About the Ark /Noah and Sons [Story 3/Away in a Manger]
- Noah Builds the Ark /Silly Noah [Story 4/Silent Night]
- Storm Clouds and Thunder [Story 5/Animals on Parade [Song 5]
- All Aboard! [Story 6/Good Night [Song 6]
- The Noisy Ark /Animal Talk [Story 7/Animal Ta]
- Life on the Ark /40 Days 40 Nights [Story 8/40 Days 40 Nigh]
- The Rain Finally Stops /Little Bird [Story 9/Little Bird]
- Return to God's Earth /Rainbow Song [Story 10/Go Tell It on the]