| Various Artists Musics of the Earth Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- (Cote d'Ivoire) Music of a Guardian Spirit (Musique d'Un Esprit PR
- Music in Praise of Suru (Louanges Pour Oru Suru) (Benin) [Extract]
- Pakapaka [Extract]
- Nzombi (Central African Republic)
- Eci Ameya (Central African Republic)
- Al Shammasha (Music of the Berta) (Sudan)
- Hakfat [Yemen]
- Afghanistan (Herat)
- Uyman Tartur, Oyimcha, Takanja Dandun Nars (I Love Your Li..) [Badakhs]
- Hafif-I-Segah/Khafif-I Segah [Uzbekistan]
- Mawal Wa Raqsa [Kurdish Music][Version]
- Svara Mandala [India]
- Lot Fay Tay Lang [The Train Goes Down the Track]
- (Vietnam) Improvised Prelude in the Modal Nuance Bac of the Bac Mode F - Traditional
- Cambodia Bat Phleng Khlong/Saray Andet [Extract]
- Java Pamagag/Bangun [Extract/Extrait]
- (Bali) Gambang Suling [Extract/Extrait]
- Faa Ta Gwouna (Solomon Islands)
- Ajie (The Sound of the Bullroarers (Le Son des Rhomb..) (Brazil)