| Various Artists King of Kings Genres: International Music, Soundtracks
Track Listings (29) - Disc #1- Overture
- Prelude
- Roman Legions
- The Elders/Sanctuary
- The Scrolls/Subjugation
- Road To Bethlehem/The Nativity
- The Slaughter Of Innocents
- Joseph And Mary
- Pontius Pilate's Arrival
- John The Baptist
- Revolt/Barabbas' Escape
- Baptism Of Christ/Sadness And Joy
- The Last Tempation Of Christ
- The Chosen
- Herod's Feast
- Miricles
- The Hovel
- Parable Of The Seed
- Mary Magdalene/Answer From A Stone
- The Blessing
- Cast Out The Demon
- Woman Of Sin
- John's Message
- Jugglers And Tumblers/Herod's Desire
- Salome's Dances
- Christ's Answer/The Beheading Of John
- Salome's Dance #6 (Deleted Reprise)
- Mount Galilee/Sermon On The Mount/Love Your Neighbor
- The Law Of The Prophets
Track Listings (14) - Disc #2- The Lord's Prayer
- The Disciples
- Barabbas' Plan
- Enter'Acte
- Premeonition
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem/A Tempest In Judea/Defeat/Phalanx/False Promises/The Last Supper/The Feast Of Passover
- Judas Sees Caiphas/Gethsemane
- Agony In The Garden/Judas' Kiss
- Herod's Castle Trumpet
- Christ Before Herod
- The Scourging Of Christ/CrownOf Throns
- Via Doi Orosa/Christ Bearing His Cross
- Last Words Of Christ/Golgotha/The Pieta/The Sepulcher/Resurrection
- Epilogue