| Various Artists Kentucky Wildcats: Hits From the Hardwood Genres: Alternative Rock, Special Interest, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (23) - Disc #1- Kentuc, Y Radio Network-Radio Montage
- Tough Schedule-Coach Rupp
- Mony Mony - Bloom, B.
- The Locker Room-Chalkboard Session
- What I Like About You - Marinos
- The Comeback-Defeat L.S.U.
- Rock-N-Roll, Pt. 2 - Glitter, Gary
- The 6th National Championship-Defeat Syracuse
- Get Ready for This - deCoster, J.P.
- The Coach-Tubby Takes Over
- Saturday Night - Coulter, Phil
- Shep Does in the Devils-Defeat Duke '98 Regional Final
- Stray Cat Strut - Setzer, Brian
- Cawood! -The Voice
- Let's Groove - Vaughn, Wayne
- Cats Scratch Back to the Finals-Defeat Stanford
- C.A.T.S. - Belolo, H.
- The 7th National Championship-Defeat Utah
- My Old Kentucky Home
- The Celebration-'98 Victory Celebration
- Celebration - Bell, Ronald [R&B]
- It's All About Success-Rupp
- On...on!!!