| Various Artists Hard Industrial Work Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Kill
- Shameless
- Revenge - Burns, Stephen
- The World Will Go On - Unknown
- No Way Out
- Reliance - Consequence [1]
- Manslaughter
- Hidden Thoughts - Schuhrke, Steffen
- Falling Down
- Into Silence - Neis, Jacob
- Release
- Snowstorm - VanAcker, Luc
Track Listings (12) - Disc #2- Did I Deserve This? [Mix I by Leather Strip]
- Policestate [Mature Bite Mix]
- Fuck-Die [Short and Kinky Disco Mix]
- Subjection [Violent Mix by Leaether Strip] - Lights of Euphoria
- Hypo (Displacement) - THD
- Electroshock [Factorymix]
- Teknology [Bass Edit Mix] - Debert, D.
- Eurotrash [CD Mix][Version]
- Come Back [T.H.D. Remix]
- Electric Spanking [Pussy Whipped Mix]
- Show Me Your Tears [Apoptygma Berzerk Vs. Industrial Heads Remix] - Schmidt, Torben
- Birmingham 6 [Retaliation Mix] - Hillerup, Michael
Track Listings (12) - Disc #3- Craving Affection [#]
- Acitik Mindfuck [#]
- Subjection [Euphoria Mix][#] - Lights of Euphoria
- Electric Spanking [S/M Mix][#]
- Comprehension [#]
- Renegate [#]
- Body Factory [#]
- This Girl [#] - Hillerup, Michael
- Atomic Playboy [#]
- I'm Not There [Extended Mix][#]
- Hypo [Transorm Mix][#] - THD
- Deal in Sex [Protection Mix][#] - Schmidt, T.