| Various Artists Folk Music Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- Rab Vagyok, Rab Vagvok (I Am a Captive, I Am a Captive)
- Szoloorzo Dalok (Grape-Preserving Songs)
- H?rmas T?ncdal (Triple Dance-Songs)
- L?ra Csik?s, L?ra (Up to Horse, Horse-Herd, Up to Horse)/B?res Leg?nyt
- R?gi Dun?nt?li Lakodalmas Cs?rd?s (Old Transdanubian Wedding- Csardas)
- Bujdosik Az ?rva Mad?r (The Lovely Bird Is Hiding)
- Tisza?ijfalui Tekeromuzsika (Hurdy-Gury Music of Tisza?jfalu)
- Amikor ?n Guly?s Voltam (When I Was a Herdsman)
- Elvetettem a Lenemet (I Sew My Flax)/Az?rt J?ttem Ide Karik?zni ...
- K?k Sziv?rv?ny Koszor?zza Az Eget (Blue Rainbow Is Decorating the Sky)
- Ne F?ty?r?ssz, Ne Csicser?ssz (Don't Whistle, Don't Cheep)
- Fekete T?, Fekete Torony Messze Van (Black Horse, Black Tower Are ...)
- F?j S?v?lt a M?tra Szele (The Wind Is Blowing, Howling at M?tra ...)
- Andr?s Nap Ut?n Az Ido (After Andrew's Day the Weather Up and Away)
- H?rom Kiv?ndorl? Dal (Three Emigration Songs)
- Aki Dud?s Akar Lenni (Who Wants to Be a Bigpiper)/Duda, Duda, ...
- Sej Most ?p?tik a Holl?koi Foutc?t (Hey the Main Street of Holl?ko ...)
- ?desany?m Is Volt N?kem, De M?r Nincs (I Had My Mother, But I ...)
- Galgamenti N?pdalok (Folk Songs of Galga Region)
- P?rosit? Dalok (Pairing Songs)
- Kisz?radt a T?bul /Sej. F?red Fel?l (Hey, ...) [The Lake Has Dried Up]
- Debrecennek Van Egy Vize (Debrecen Has a Pond)
- Elt?r?tt a M?zas Cs?sze (The Glazed Cup Has Broken into Pieces)
- A V?nyai B?r?nak (To the Judge of V?nya)
- B?ra Termett Ido (Sorrowful Weather)/Sz?l a Figemad?r (The Little Bird