Amazon.comThe Cuban Gold series has offered a terrific introduction and overview of the Cuban popular music scene for the past 30 years--from classic guaracha and cha-cha to modern son. Volume 5 focuses on the 1980s and offers a sharply focused snapshot of the Cuban scene of the time. The earliest recordings are two tracks by Las Estrellas Cubanas in 1983, the most recent are several songs recorded in 1986. Irakere's "Homenaje al Beny," a tribute to the great singer Benny More, grooves with disarming ease as it quotes graciously from his classic arrangements. The underappreciated charanga (flute and violin ensemble) "La Maravilla de Florida" crackles with a sound at once lithe and strong. Arranger and composer Adalberto Alvarez is showcased here leading his group Adalberto y Su Son, updating the sound of the classic son. A collection that will get the party going but will also, no doubt, intrigue curious listeners. --Fernando Gonzalez