| Various Artists Cool and the Crazy Genres: Pop, Rock
Track Listings (30) - Disc #1- Kool Kat - Sherrill, W
- Rock Crazy Baby - Jones, B
- Imogene - Ray, D
- Cool Cat - Montgomery, Joe
- Woodpecker Rock - Cour, L. La
- Dancing Doll - Adams, Art
- Bon Bon Baby - Jaros, Joe
- Littel Rocker - Gibson, T. R.
- Marlene - Ruth, B
- Cool Cool Baby - Gibbs
- Rock and Roll Fever - Busbice, B
- Cool Baby - Cole, L
- Rock on Baby - Sherrell, Billy
- Short Fat Ben - Jones, H. B.
- Come Along with Me - Whitman, W
- Servant of Love - Walton, N
- Cool Cats - Hufton, O
- Those Rock 'N' Roll Blues - Sharp, B
- Livin' Doll - Gibbs
- Minus One - Blast Off - Ruth, Babe
- Get Hot or Go Home - Kerby, J
- Pizza Pie - Helzner, Jules
- Little Bitty Boy - Thibodeaux, R
- Cool, Baby, Cool - Coan
- Rock and Roll Teenager - Sherrell, Billy
- Won't You Come Along With Me - Cour, L. La
- Ricky Tic - Davis, A
- I Love 'Em All - Jones, H. B.
- Yes, No, or Maybe - Sherrell, Billy
- She's Cool - King, Tex