| Various Artists Birds of America in Song Genres: International Music, Special Interest, Pop
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Familiar Birds of Gardens and Shade Trees: Bluebird/Phoebe/White-Breast
- Familiar Birds of Gardens and Shade Trees: House Wren/White-Eyed Vireo/
- Familiar Bird of the Roadside: Red-Eyed Towhee/White-Eyed Towhee/Cowbir
- Familiar Bird of the Roadside: Western Meadowlark/Dickcissel/Chestnut-C
- Birds of the Lakes and Marshes: Common Loon/Whistling Swan/Lesser Canad
- Birds of the Lakes and Marshes: Coot/Kingfisher/Boat-Tailed Grackle
- Birds of the Marshes: Red-Winged Blackbird/Yellow-Headed Blackbird/Long
- Birds of the Marshes: American Bittern/Wilson's Snipe/Virginia Rail/Sor
- North American Warblers: Ovenbird/Kentucky Warbler/Louisiana Waterthrus
- North American Warblers: Northern Yellowthroat/Canada Warbler/Prothonot
- Birds of Fields and Prairies: Bobolink/Meadowlark/Vesper Sparrow/Field
- Birds of Fields and Prairies: Grasshopper Sparrow/Henslow's Sparrow/Lar
- American Game Birds: Ruffed Grouse/Bobwhite/Wild Turkey/Sooty Grouse/Pr
- American Game Birds: Gambel's Quail/California Quail/White-Winged Dove/